XLIX: Museum field trip

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Everyone was on a class field trip to the museum that Fairy Godmother was taking them to

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Everyone was on a class field trip to the museum that Fairy Godmother was taking them to. Fairy Godmother gave this tour of the museum many times. Priscilla was with the VKs as they all waited for Fairy Godmother. Priscilla's back was leaned against Carlos' back

His hand was on her exposed Stomach, slightly playing with the hem of Priscilla's blue crop top. Mal turned to her friends "And we're back. Oh, joy" She said sarcastically, raising her fist as she mocked a Cheer. Priscilla laughs at her "Hey, this is nothing. I've been in Auradon longer that I know almost everything Fairy Godmother says"

''Seriously, I've heard Fairy Godmother give this
museum tour so many times, I have it memorized too" Evie said, grabbing her own hands and letting them fall down in front of her

"Me too" Mal nodded her head, She started to stand straight and raised a finger up, copying Fairy Godmother movement when she in a few minutes finally starts the tour. Mal cleared her throat "Ahem. Bibbidy, Bobbidy, May I have your attention please. Upon first entering the museum lobby you'll see Aurora's Spinning wheel..."

"Wow " Priscilla exclaimed impressed "Sound just like
her " She laughs, Carlos' hands traveled from her waist to her arm then to her shoulders giving them a squeeze "Well, I'd take a field trip over sitting in a classroom any day," Carlos said

"Plus this time, we're not breaking in, we're just walking in. Totally different experience" Jay spoke up, speaking in a matter-of-factly tone

"It's a waste of time," Mal told him, she let her hand fall by her sides, slapping her thighs "Auradon is not safe. Which is why I should be out there looking for a real villain, not stuck in here learning about retired ones"

"Technically, you might be looking for a retired villain" Jay
pointed out, pointing a finger at Mal. "It's not like we know for sure that it's Uma causing problems," Carlos said out loud, Priscilla shrugged her shoulders slightly agreeing with the boy

"Or just Uma'' Evie added with a shrug, her pointer finger on top of her chin. Carlos looked at her both Confused and Concerned "Wait- you think Uma's pairing up with another villain ?" He asked

"Image if it was hades" Priscilla voiced

"Hades and Uma? That's a frightening combination" Jay Said, slightly shivering at the thought "Uh, yeah. You think? I mean, Hades is a god" Carlos said in a 'Duh' tone. Priscilla didn't fail to notice how Evie and Mal glanced at each other. Evie placed her hands on her waist. "I shudder to think that would happen if they joined forces. The combined level of magic..." She trails off

"Tag-team evil" Mal thought out loud before sighing "Great.
I hadn't thought about that. Now it's all I'll be able to think about" Fairy Godmother's voice caught their attention, they turned to the older woman

"Come along children. Quit dawdling, you five"

"Here we go.."Carks sighed as they walked closer to the museum, his hand was on Priscilla's lower back

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