XXXVII: Its goin down

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The sound of the 3D printer beeping woke Priscilla up

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The sound of the 3D printer beeping woke Priscilla up. The girl lifts her head up, still sleepy. Her eyes are half open because of the bright light in the room. The princess was gonna sit up on the edge of the quite comfortable bed but an arm tighten around her waist. Frighten, she turns her head to face a sleeping Carlos. She smiled at the sight of the peaceful sleeping boy, the sight of Carlos calmed her down. Her stomach started to get full of butterflies, her attention went back to the 3D Printer that gave its last beep. Priscilla's jaw dropped at the phony wand inside the printer. The girl had seen the real one many times in her life and she was shocked by how similar they were, nothing was different that you could tell apart.

She slowly removed Carlos' arm from her waist as she sit up, not wanting to wake up the sleeping boy. She took a pause once Carlos shifted around. Now his back was facing her. Slowly, Priscilla slid off the bed. She quietly walked her way to where the printer was on top of the circler table. She slid open the door of the Printer making make a squeaky noise. She shrinks as she looks back at the boys who were still asleep. She turned back to the machine and reached in and grabbed the phony. The girl examined the fake magical thing, very satisfied by how it turned out.

Priscilla turned to the two sleeping boys but her eyes were engrossed by the wand. Her gaze slowly went to look at the boys. "Guys!" She abruptly yelled, immediately waking them up. Her hand went to cover her mouth to hide her giggle from the sight. Holding herself in she lifts up the wand to show them the masterpiece "We have to go" She said, after checking the time on her phone.

The two boys rapidly got up from the bed and woke up from their sleepy state. Priscilla opened the door for the two, they packed what they needed and walked out the door. The Princess was right behind them as she shut the door behind her after them. The three rushed down the steps from outside but they all were stopped by Doug's voice "Oh, hey"

"Have you seen Evie?" Doug asked the crew looking at all of them, Priscilla opened her mouth to tell the truth as she trusts Doug with anything but Carlos has beaten her to it with a lie "She went camping"

Priscilla slowly turns her head at her crush, looking at the boy like he's insane "Evie I-Wanna-Live-In-A-Castle sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" Doug slowly restarted not believing them one bit "You know how spontaneous she is, bro"  Carlos said, the two boys started to laugh while backing away from Dopey's son. Priscilla was shaking her head at Carlos obvious lie

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