VIII: Roof Garden

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After that mess in Chemistry class, I had a free period, which I meant most of my time on the garden that's on the school rooftop

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After that mess in Chemistry class, I had a free period, which I meant most of my time on the garden that's on the school rooftop. I guess you can say it's my hiding spot even though anyone could come up here

I went up the stairs to the roof, a book in my hand and my pet cat, Rouge, beside me. I made it to a bench and placed my book down, Rouge jumped to the bench and immediately got comfortable. I let out a chuckle and pet her on the head. I stopped petting her and wondered off to seek some flowers plants

My first stop was some pink orchids, I touched the petals delicately, these flowers remind me of my mother. I don't know why but they do. I explored the place a little bit more even though I come up here everyday. My head perked up at the sound of footsteps stomping on the steps that lead to the garden, Rouge stood up high alert. Once I saw a white haired boy I let out a sigh

"Oh, it's just you" I softly spoke, spooking Carlos, I let out a small and walked my way to the bench rouge is in, "Hi" I heard his voice behind me, his feet hitting the concrete as he walked up to me but immediately froze when he saw Rouge

"Don't worry, she's friendly" I assured him as I petted the cat behind her ear, my hand drags along her back as she struts towards Carlos who was still stuck in his place. Rouge let out a small sound and lifted her paw to him, Carlos looks at me with Anxious eyes but I gave him a assuring smile "She wants you to pet her" I explained

My head went to the Cats head "But she's likes it like this the best" Carlos just nodded and went to sit beside me and Rouge followed him still wanting her pets. All of the sudden I heard a familiar bark, I look down to see Dude, the school mutt "Oh, hi boy" I said excitedly and bended down and pet the dog

I look towards Carlos but saw him calm "I'm guessing you met dude?" I asked but sounded mostly like statement, Carlos nodded his head as he continued to pet Rouge "Yeah"

"Ben helped me get used to him actually" Carlos explained "Really? You're afraid of dog?" I asked tilting my head at him "Used to be, I guess"

"Cruella's son is, sorry, was scared of dogs?" I let out a laugh "That's something I never thought I'll hear" I said sitting up straight, Carlos let out a chuckle, Rouge jumped down and went to Dude "Um, aren't Cats and dogs like enemies?" He asked "You could say that, but Rouge and Dude are best friends, they play with each other all the time" I explained to him as the two animals wondered off some where in the garden

"By the way, how are you liking Auradon so far?" I asked the boy, my attention went to him, "It's different, better than I expected. There's some really gorgeous sights" Carlos replied, I've seen a smirk growing on his face as he looked over to me. I gave him a smile as our eyes locked together "Yeah? What's the prettiest sight you've seen so far?" I questioned

"I'm looking right at her"

At that, I felt blood rush to my face as I started at him in shock and quickly looked away my attention right on Rouge. I heard Carlos chuckle to himself before turning his attention back to Dude

3rd POV

After some silence, the two students lost track of time as they continued to talk with each other in the garden. Carlos kept on asking question and Priscilla will just simply answer any of his question with a smile. The girl was patient with the white haired boy and tried to answer his question with much details she can.

And while at that Carlos became more and more comfortable and ease around the girl and two animals who have been running around, chasing each other. But at the end both Rouge and Dude was in each kids arms wanting some pets from the two.

It was interesting for Carlos to see how Priscilla interact with both animals. She was just so comfortable with the two, barely aware of herself as she pet the fur of Rouge, who snuggled up in her lap taking a peaceful nap while the two continued to talk

Carlos always find himself leaning in as Priscila talked most things she interested in. The way her face would light up every time he would ask questions, he could hear the love in her voice as she explained to him. It's only way he would explain her tone. He hoped, one day, he could be able to talk about something he loves, so passionately. Then there were moments where she would use that tone and be looking at him, brown eyes lighting up, and yet he couldn't know or explain why his face grew warm every time

Every time he thought back to those eyes, he finds himself smiling to himself. As the same thing happens to Priscilla as she thought back to his brown eyes whenever they made eye contact

Like right now at the moment, she was in Evie and Mal's room, Jane had dragged her into the room as she went to talk to Mal about her problem with her mother about the earlier in the bathroom

Priscila POV

"Mom said, 'if a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's no worth it'" I heard Jane as she repeated her mothers words to Mal as she leans on the bed frame of Mal's bed "Can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane questions to nobody in particular "Auradon" I answered but some else said the same thing as me, I look towards at Mal as she looked at me back then went back to what we were doing before, Jane goes Evie's bed, which I am sitting on, and sits beside me leaning her head on my shoulder

"Mal, do you like?" Evie asks her best friend, showing her still processing dress, Mal only gave it a glance before answering, "Yeah. It's cute. It brings out your eyes"

Evie looks down at her dress, "I know" She sighs and let out a chuckle, going back in sewing it "I'll never get a boyfriend" Jane whined beside me removing her head from my shoulder and laid it on the pillows "Boyfriends are overrated" Mal commented eyes still on the notebook she's drawing in "And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one" Evie lays her head on her palm looking at the Purplenette, I let out a laughed at Evie words

"It's cause I don't need one, E" Mal responds but Evie just smirks at her "They're a waste of time" She added giving Jane a glance, Evie let out a gasp out of nowhere "I forgot to do Chad's homework!" She freaks out as she immediately stood up from her chair and went to grab Chad's bag that's on the floor "You're now proving her point, Evie" I spoke up, Mal nodded her head in agreement whilst shook my head

"And you shouldn't be doing his homework! He's only using you" I told her "He said, if I do his homework we could hang out sometime" Evie explains "Yeah and I hope you know he is lying to you!" I stood up from her bed and went my way towards the blue haired girl grabbing the bag out of her hands

She began to protest but I quickly shut her up "No! You shouldn't! Trust me, I've been in your position before" I made my way back to her bed and placed the backpack on the ground as Evie grumbled "You're gonna get your heart broken once you find out how he really is"

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