XXV: Boys..

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Right after the

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Right after the.. remarkable dream Priscilla had last night, she could not sleep at all right after. She tried to sleep again to dream the dream again. It was unsuccessful.Only getting a few sleep before the dream and stayed up for the rest of the night. She looked at her clock and saw it was morning meaning she had to get up and get ready for the day

She let out a groan at the thought and took of the bed sheets off her body. The sunset was on her eyes making her cover her eyes with her palm then let out a stretch. She forgot she had a lot to do for the day. Helping Jane with the cotillion committee, had to get fitting with Evie later on, She has a meeting as well after Ben's council meeting. To her, that was too much

She finally sat up after settling her thoughts together. She did her needs and dressed up for the day. She decided to wear a dark red, puffy sleeve shirt, tucked in her black and grey plaid pants and added a belt with the outfit. She also had some slip in black boots with a thick heel.

The princess went to her vanity and sat down facing herself in the mirror. She did a simple clean lipgloss and a bit of blush to give her face color. Her hair was curled and somewhat wet, she decided the rest to air dry. She grabbed a simple gold necklace and clasp it behind her neck with no trouble. Quite satisfied with the look for the day, Priscilla stood up from her seat and went out the door prepared for whatever happens

"Cilla!" A familiar girl voice called out making the girl turn around to where the voice was heard. She saw Jane catching up to the girl with her tablet in her arm "Jane. Hi" Priscilla waved as the Fairy girl made it to the royal advisor side "How are you?" Jane ask the two began to walk together "I barely got any sleep last night cause of a dream I had. It got be thinking all night. But other than that it's good for now until everything starts. I have a lot to do as well"

"Me too! I feel horrible for bothering Mal with so many questions for Cotillion. Anyways, What was your dream about?" Jane asked, shaking her head. She looked up at the girl "Um, I rather not talk about it right now" Priscilla told the girl, Jane nodded understandably. Jane quite changed for the better. The girl pushed the fear of the VKs aside and got more comfortable around them. She was still the Shy Jane but much more braver than before. Her appearance changed as well, she looked more mature and her hair grew much longer just like how she wanted it six months ago. She grew a little too but the daughter of Aurora was still taller than her

"Where are you heading, now?" Jane asked looking ahead. The two stopped walking and faced to each others bodies "I need to find Ben. I know for sure that boy forgot he got a council meeting later" Replied the girl shaking her head in disappointment "What would he do without you?" Jane asked playfully "He would be a not so good king" Priscilla played along. The two laughed together "Have you seen him?" She asked the blue eyed girl "Oh, um, I think I just seen him in the front courtyard" Jane said pointing at the direction of the courtyard.

Priscilla let out a lazy groan "We just passed through there. Now I have to walk all the way back" Whined the girl making the daughter of the headmistress chuckle "Sorry?" She said, in a question matter giving her a sheepish smile, Priscilla place a hand on her shoulder "It's fine" She assured

"Now I must go!"
"Bye, Cilla!"

The two girls waved goodbye to each other, separating. Priscilla walked back to the direction to the courtyard as Jane said she saw him at

Thank hades that Jane was right. Once Priscilla had set foot at the courtyard she spotted right away the king with his blue blazer that anyone could spit from a mile away. She sped walked towards him, she reached for an apple from the apple tree above her. She threw the apple in the air and catch it every time. She called out to Ben,

"Heads up!"

Ben heard her voice, turning around to face her, immediately saw an apple flying towards his way. He catches it with one hand gave her a look "Why?" He asked rolling his eyes. Priscilla smiled innocently and shrugged walking her way towards him "Because why not?"

The two was now side by side and continued to walk "Don't forget that you have a meeting today, Ben" Reminded the girl, Ben nodded his head bitting into the apple but was not paying attention to her talk. His eyes were glued to Mal, who looked like she couldn't even breathe with all the reporters all around her with cameras and microphones in her face

Priscilla just shook her head at them and at Ben, she went hand pushed him forward "Jeez, Ben, go help the poor girl!"

"Okay, okay!"

The Princess rolled her eyes, "Boys..."

She quickly left the scene before she could be bombarded by the paparazzi's as well. As she looked behind her making no one saw her leave, she bumped into something. Or someone. She let out a noise and look up to see Carlos, the boy she fancies

"Carlos! Hi" She said fast, chuckling awkwardly, she leaned her back against the wall still looking up at him. Carlos gave her a confused smile, tilting his head. His hair going in front of his forehead "Sorry for um.. bumping into you" She apologize slowly looking down at the floor. The girl was getting nervous was Carlos stood before her. That dream was getting to her.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asked seeing how nervous she's acting, letting out a confused laugh "What? Yeah! Yes.." Carlos could see she was lying to him. He look down at her hands, they were fumbling around with each other. Something he catch on when when she's nervous. He went to grab one of them, holding it between his hands trying to calm her down. Priscilla breathing hitched at the contact. She looks at him through her eyelashes "Are you sure your okay?" He asked again

The princess nodded her head, "Yeah, mhm. I'm fine"

"It's just been crazy with the reporters and paparazzis. And Cotillion, you know?"

That technically wasn't lie, it was Carlos turn to nod his head, "Um, talking about Cotillion. Priscilla, I was, um, wo-"

Carlos question was cut off by a certain blue haired girl, abruptly grabbed Priscilla arm making the girl let out a Yelp and turn her head to the girl "Evie!" She gasped at the sudden movement, her eyes were widen

"If we don't get you measured, you also will dance in your bathrobe" Evie reminder firmly "Oh right!" exclaimed the girl, she turns to the boy and gave him an apologetic smile "I'll see you around" She spoke stealing a glance of his lips. Carlos nodded once again but with a hum

The princess leaned in and kissed him on the cheek "Later, Mon ange"

The girl nodded towards the fashionista "Let's go"

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