XXXIV: Harry Hook

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The group of five wandered around the isle, heading in a familiar direction to the VKs

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The group of five wandered around the isle, heading in a familiar direction to the VKs. Some isle boys around their age would look at Priscilla in a way making Carlos glare at them behind her back. Challenging them to back off from the girl

Eventually from the long walk they made it to their destination. They arrived where the four would hangout away from theirs parents. Jay grabbed a rock he found and threw it to the gate of the hideout

Jay lead Ben to the high staircase. Ben took a single step up and turned to the group "Wish me luck" He said then started going up the stairs after Jay pointed above, telling him to go all the way up "Good luck" Evie said after

The four laid back letting out a sigh, Priscilla watches the gate close in front of her as Carlos walked beside her and sat down "I'm guessing you built that" Said Priscilla to Carlos, looking down at him "Did you guys live here?"

"Sometimes, yeah" Responded Carlos looking up to the top "This was mostly a place to get away from our parents" He explained looking back at her, she gave him a small smile "And to plot our evil schemes" Priscilla chuckled at his last statement shaking her head.

It's been a while for the group on waiting on Ben to come back with Mal. Priscilla leaned into the metal beam, picking on her nails. She paused her hand movements once she saw a pair of boots in her sight. Right in front of her. The girl looked up from her nails to the stranger in front of her. The princess scanned the boy, head to toe, the boy had dirty brown hair. Brown eyes. He was wearing a brown hoodie and Amber pants. The boy isn't bad looking to the girl, he just wasn't her type

"Hi?" At the confusion in her voice the three VKs looked at her, seeing a random boy with her. Jay was about to walk beside her to scare the boy away but Priscilla looked at him, her state made him stop "Can I help you?" She asked the boy with bored face

"Well, my name is Silas" Started the guy, giving her a not-so-charming smile "and I was standing over there" He pointed behind him "and I thought you were hot and-"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna stop you there" Priscilla cut him off, after he said that, her interest went away. The girl shook her head trying not to laugh at his face "It's a no, buddy"

"You didn't even let me finish"

"Oh I'm sorry" She said sarcastically, holding her hand in her chest "Continue" She continued her sarcasm. Silas didn't catch on, right as he opened his mouth Priscilla cuts him off "No"

"Will you just let me finish?"

"No" The girl repeated, shaking her head

"Come on-"

"She already said no, man" Carlos and Jay stood behind her, the princess in disguise looked behind at the two boys then back at Silas with a proud smile, her gaze went down at the floor. She heard the boy let out a stressed out sigh and walked off. Priscilla looked up seeing him walk off and muttering off profanities under his breath

The girl turned to the two boys, smiling up at them. She patted their chest "Thank you guys" With a smile, she walks through them and went to Evie with widen eyes. She grabbed the blue hair hand and pulled her away further from the boys earshot

"Oh my god" Was the first thing the brunette said to the girl in front of her. Evie laughed at her and shook her head "What was that?"

"You think I know?" The girl exclaimed, she then rolled her eyes, leaning onto the fence "He was so not my type"

"Yeah, cause I know who exactly is your type" Evie said looking back at the white haired boy, Priscilla grabbed Evie's chin to bring her attention back at her "Don't look at him!" She brings her hand down from her face, Her gaze slowly went to Carlos. The two catches each other glance before looking away from each other. The princess slightly blushes from the eye contact and she thank the gods that it was dark in the alley that Evie couldn't see and tease her about it

"Come on let's rejoin with the boys"

Right as the girls did Ben was on his way back down to them. Without Mal. Priscilla was the first one to spot him "Ben! You're back" She furrowed her eyebrows together in concern as she saw him going down the stairs slowly, looking defeated "You okay?"

"Where's Mal?" Evie asked the boy not seeing her best friend behind him

"She's not coming back" Ben replied sadly

"What? I'll talk to her" Evie walked to the crude intercom. Ben sadly walked away from the group

"M" Evie spoke to the device "Mal, it's Evie. Let me just talk to you for a second"

"Mal, come on"

"Go away!" Mal voice yelled through the intercom, Evie let out a sigh. The girl rested her forehead against the metal, Jay went towards her "Let's give her a couple hours to cool off" Priscilla looked around now seeing that the King had disappeared, she walked to the open alley, squinting her eyes "Um, guys..." She slowly looked at the group

"Where's Ben?" Asked Carlos now seeing what she leading on to. Everyone slightly panicked "Ben?" Evie called out "Ben!" A shadow came towards them in the dark alley

Priscilla can see that the body figure did not match her friend "Guys, I don't think that's Ben" Priscilla quietly said going behind Carlos, but the others didn't hear her

"Ben, don't scare us like that"

"Don't scare yeah?" A new voice revealed themself, Priscilla body stiff at the sound of the familiar accent "But that's my specialty" The son of Captain Hook revealed himself to the the other by the light under him. Priscilla dared herself to look up at the pirate but the boy caught her eyes. Priscilla immediately looked down hoping he didn't recognize her from their small contact. Luck wasn't in her side today

BABES. DID I JUST FINALLY POST!? WHAT!? ITS A MIRACLE. ANYWAYS IM EXCITED FOR ZOMBIES 3 ITS LITERALLY COMING OUT IN 2 HOURS HERE WHERE I AM. Okay so the next chapter is definitely gonna take a while as well. And I'm sorry that it's so short it's what I can do in the matter of time  🚶🏽‍♀️

But don't worry at least I'm posting something. My reason is cause I wasn't really motivated to. At least I'm not one of those people who have a ridiculous reason saying like one of the family member got ran over then their dog ran away all at the same day🧍🏽‍♀️

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