LV: Tarot Reading

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(First chapter of the new year 🤭)

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(First chapter of the new year 🤭)

Soon enough the twins stole Carlos away from Priscilla along with Jay, who wanted to show off his skills to the two young boys outside of Evie's cottage. Priscilla uses that time to try on dresses for her and Jane's birthday party the next day

While she was busy with trying on dresses that she had in Evie's Cottage. She turns her head to the side, looking out the windows and seeing Dizzy walk out while skipping, smelling into the fresh air, talking to herself with a big smile. Priscilla smiled to herself at the Sight, she was glad of her already enjoying the place

Priscilla's gaze moved to the four boys, Carlos and the twins were seated on a bench. Carlos was picking something out from Dude's fur as Jay did some flips and kicks. Priscilla looked away from the windows to the closet behind her and began to look for more outfits right as the two older isle boys began to talk

Carlos looks up to Jay as he continues to pick on Dude's fur "Hey, I want to get Priscilla something special for her birthday, you guys have any ideas?" He asks loudly to the ones around him

"Bacon of the month club" Dude spoke up making Carlos let out a small laugh. Soon enough he pulls out a burr from Dude's fur making the talking dog yell out an 'ow!'

"You didn't count to three," Dude told Carlos slightly miffed. "Sorry," Carlos said, his eyebrows slightly furrowed at the dog as he walked away from the group. Jay stopped doing tricks with his tourney stick as he faced Carlos

"Make her something" He suggested he lifted his arms and let them fall "I know Priscilla, she'll like that" Carlos looked down at the grass under him thinking about the idea Jay had just said, his tongue in his cheeks as Jay walked towards the bench, planting a foot on top of the bench letting out a sigh. He raised his eyebrows at Carlos "What're you gonna do without me" He said jokingly, making the de vil boy laugh. Jay sat down beside squeaky

"Hey are you, uh, are you really set on Troy Force University?" Carlos asks Jay once the long-haired boy sits down. He rested his elbows on his knees looking over at Jay "Cause you know it's really far away and all they have is trees, right?"

"Well, yeah, but The Arrow's won the tourney Ball the last three years, so, you know..."

"You talk rough but you're gonna miss us, mostly me" Carlos stated ticking his head to the side, looking away from Jay, and face the Cottage with a smug smile "Oh, mostly me" Jay mocked him while shaking his head and smiled

"Yeah, mostly me" Carlos argued, Jay slapped Carlos' knee as Carlos continued to repeat himself "Mostly me! Who else are you gonna miss?" He laughs

"Get out of here" Jay laughed too, soon the two boys stayed quiet before Jay spoke up again "Yeah, you're probably right" Jay agreed with Carlos, who slapped his arm saying "There it is" and soon again as Jay shakes his head

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