LII: Proposal

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(Tell me why I legit forgot to add this whole ass section in this chapter!? LIKE TF LMAOO)

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(Tell me why I legit forgot to add this whole ass section in this chapter!? LIKE TF LMAOO)

The days stretched on lazily as the summer sun bathed Auradon Prep in its warm embrace. Priscilla and Carlos were on the brink of their final year in high school, and the allure of a never-ending summer break was too enticing to pass up

Since Jay had graduated and moved on to new adventures, Carlos now had a dorm room all to himself. The same with Priscilla, her former roommate, whom she had barely seen, had also graduated, leaving her with the dorm room. They decided to make the most of this unusual setup and enjoyed the luxury of having separate rooms to themselves for the rest of the summer

Priscilla had been eyeing the little cottages like the one Evie lived in. She planned to have a cottage as a starter home after she graduates, to enjoy her own private space just like Evie is. But for now, she was content with the camaraderie of the dorms and the company of her boyfriend

On this particular morning, the couple have been awake in Carlos's bed, wrapped in each other's arms. The hours had slipped by unnoticed, as they reveled in the comfort of their shared warmth. They lay there, cuddled together

Carlos finally broke the silence as he sat up, gently brushing a strand of hair from Priscilla's face "We can't stay in bed forever, as much as I'd love to. Today's a big day, and we've got responsibilities."

Priscilla sighed and nuzzled closer, her voice barely more than a whisper "Do we have to get up? I could stay like this all day."

Carlos chuckled and planted many loving kisses on her temple "I know, but we promised to be there when Ben propose to Mal. Plus, we have to pick up the new kids who'll be joining us in Auradon. It's an important day" He gave her a peck on the mouth, and Priscilla was quick to kiss back before she slightly leaned away looking at him in the eyes

"Do you really have to go?" Priscilla whined against Carlos' lips. Carlos pressed a lingering kiss to your lips "We" He quickly corrected her before he continued

"You know how much this means to Ben if we go" He smiled at her, and Priscilla couldn't hold herself back from smiling as well "Mmm, are you sure? I mean do we really have to go to Isle to pick up the k-" She started to tease but Carlos was quick to cut her off

"We have to go" Carlos gave her an assuring smile. "I don't want Ben and the isle kids to think we're not taking this seriously" He sighed

"Okay, okay. Just making sure" She leaned in and pressed kisses to his jawline. "I will say, I do love your dedication, really I do. I just want to make sure I'm getting my Carlos time"

"You'll get it," Carlos chuckled devilishly. "I'm yours after this amazing things that we are doing, I promise."

"I don't know how I'll contain myself." Priscilla dramatically whined in a teasing manner, the back of her hand on her forehead. Carlos pressed one more lingering kiss to her lips, causing her to moan sensually against his lips, her hand going to the side of his face

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