XXXIX: Can I have this dance?

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Everyone walked in the greeny field beside of the school, Jay and Lonnie were ahead of the group in their own conversation

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Everyone walked in the greeny field beside of the school, Jay and Lonnie were ahead of the group in their own conversation. Carlos and Evie behind them, behind the son of Cruella and daughter of the evil queen and Priscilla. The princess was in her own thoughts, she was hugging herself for comfort and lastly were Mal and Ben

"I'll get these back to the gym" Lonnie spoke to Jay, talking about the swords in her arms "Thanks" he nodded his head at her as a thank you "See you later" Lonnie walked away from the group and walked to the direction towards the school right as she did Jane has come towards the group, Specifically, ben with her tablet. She called for his name snapping Priscilla out of her thoughts. The princess took this as a sign to get out of there and that she did still hugging herself with her own arms. Carlos looked behind him and saw Priscilla gone, he looked around and saw her speed walking with her arms wrapped herself.

He looks back at everyone else before going after her "Priscilla."

His voice caught her attention making her stop her pace as she was about to look behind her, she felt his fingers grabbing her forearm, spinning her around. Her eyes met his. She noticed a glance of an emotion his eyes that she couldn't figure out but in anyway she smiled at his to tell the boy to continue on what he wanted to say.

"I saw you" Carlos simply stated to her making her confused, her eyebrows furrowed at him "You saw me?" She echoed his words hinting the confusion, she tilts her head to the side "I saw you kiss Harry, Priscilla" Carlos stated clearly, her faced dropped as she understood what he was saying but yet couldn't understand the emotion in his voice "Oh..." She quietly muttered as she looks down at the ground, his hand was still on her arm. Her eyes stayed on the green grass, she couldn't look in the eyes anymore knowing that the boy she likes saw her kiss another boy "you saw that?"

"Why?" Was all he said not answering her but ask her another question. Carlos eyes roamed around her face searching for any answers but all he saw an emotion, Guilt. Priscilla looks up at him and spoke nothing but the truth to the boy "It was only to trick him. I knew he still likes me and never stopped ever since I stopped seeing him. He wasn't going to let me go that easily, so I had to do what I had to do. I didn't have a choice, Carlos"

Priscilla had to stand up for herself in this situation. When she went in between with Jay and Harry sword fight she had forgotten that she didn't have any sort of weapon with her to defend herself. So, she had to come up with something quick once Jay walked away leaving her and Harry alone. She could've gone with something else as she kept on thinking about it now and the car ride back to Auradon but it's in the pass now and she can't do nothing about it. Carlos looked away from the princess, his tongue was pressed against the inside of his cheek.

Priscilla eyed the action, her eyes tried to connect with his again, but Carlos didn't look back at her. Her eyes widen when she once realized what was going on, "You thought I still loved him" She stated her inner thoughts out loud she took a step closer to Carlos, her words now catching his attention again. The two held eye contact neither saying anything. Priscilla was about to walk away from him but Carlos's hand was still on her forearm so he pulled her back, his free hand now grabbing the other arm "If you keep making choices like that, how can I trust you?" Carlos spoke quietly getting a bit closer to her face, Priscilla blinked multiple times as they continued to stare at each other.

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