LIV: Closing the barrier for good?

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(Since I'm not writing the other chapter just yet I'm just gonna post this one for you guys can have something to read and MERRY CHRISTMAS 🩷✨🎄)

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(Since I'm not writing the other chapter just yet I'm just gonna post this one for you guys can have something to read and MERRY CHRISTMAS 🩷✨🎄)

Today was a special day—it was Priscilla's birthday. And it was Jane's as well. Both Priscilla and Jane had always shared this day

In their early years, Priscilla and Jane were inseparable. The duo was the bestest of friends, they shared laughter, secrets, and the joy of growing up side by side

As the years passed, Jane and Priscilla had always shared birthday parties and much more with each other since they had the same birthdays. Yet, despite the shared celebrations, Priscilla and Jane gradually drifted apart during their teen years

The once inseparable friends found themselves pursuing different interests and forming new connections. Still, the two remained friends with each other, still talking to each other

This specific year, however, as their shared birthday came, Priscilla and Jane decided to revisit the tradition they had set aside. It was time to celebrate together once more, to recapture the magic of their childhood birthdays

The morning sunlight filtered through Priscilla's dorm room window, casting a warm glow over her peaceful slumber. As she began to stir, her eyes squinted against the brightness at the same time, Carlos walked in with a plate in hand

A small smile played on Priscilla's lips at the unexpected sight "Did you sneak into the school's kitchen just to bring me breakfast?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of amusement and curiosity

Carlos grinned, holding the plate with a flourish "Guilty. I present to you my famous chocolate chip pancakes"

Priscilla couldn't help but let out a scoff-like laugh "Famous? We'll see about that," she teased, running a hand through her tousled hair as she sat up in bed

Carlos reached out, presenting her with the plate and a fork "Try it before you doubt my pancake prowess"

"Fine," she replied, accepting the plate and fork with a playful roll of her eyes. She cut a piece of the pancake, Priscilla took a bite, and her eyes widened with surprise. She hummed appreciatively, a genuine smile forming on her face "Okay, okay. It's pretty good" She points at the pancakes with the fork

Carlos beamed, taking a mock bow. "Told you so"

Rolling her eyes again, Priscilla playfully pushed him away "Don't let it get to your head now. But seriously, these are delicious. Thank you"

He smiled at her, a mixture of pride and mischief in his eyes "Anytime, Princess. Just remember who the pancake king is around here"

With that, they shared a light laugh, their laughter abruptly ended when a knock echoed through Priscilla's dorm room. Confused, she handed the plate to Carlos and uncovered herself from the blanket, revealing Carlos' shirt extending to her thighs. As she opened the door, a Royal guard stood before her

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