LIII: Hades

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(Credits to the people on Tumblr who inspired me to write this smut fr 🙏🏼 lifesavers honestly

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(Credits to the people on Tumblr who inspired me to write this smut fr 🙏🏼 lifesavers honestly. Wish I remembered their users also I kind of gave up at the end? Idk)

Priscilla and the four VKs made it to the Isle. Carlos and Jay stood with the twins and their father, Smee, for one last goodbye before they went into the vehicle

Priscilla stood with Evie with Dizzy and her Grandmother and Sister. As Lady Tremaine continues to check Dizzy if she has everything, Priscilla keeps eyeing Diana, wondering if she should speak to the pirate

Summoning her courage, Priscilla reached toward Diana and touched her arm "Hey" She spoke softly to the girl. Diana looked at Priscilla and Shrugged her off, Cilla was unfazed by the motion as she had expected it from her "I just wanted to say sorry... for you know throwing the sword so close to your face. But you were getting in my way"

"To what? Seduce Harry and then push him to the water?" Diane asked sarcastically as she looked ahead not giving Priscilla a glance Priscilla smiled and looked down at the ground at the reminder of what had happened

"Yeah, exactly" Priscila nodded her head with a chuckle, to her surprise Diana also chuckled as well. Diana glanced down at her feet for a few seconds before glancing at Priscila "It's fine. I guess" She had told her before looking away and shrugging her shoulders, "The little Scottish brat deserved it"

Priscilla laughed at her words, shaking her head. She saw Dizzy give her grandmother one last hug and moved on to hug Diana next. Priscilla smiled fondly watching the two sisters hug each other tightly. Dizzy moved away first and went to the limo with Evie

Priscilla took that as her cue to go in as well, She looked at Diana "Hope we can become friends later in life" She said genuinely making Diana look at her "That would... be nice" Diana said slowly as she thought about it. Priscilla smiled knowing that Diana had forgiven her and maybe now become friends with her, as she was about to leave to the limousine Diana held her wrist, stopping her

"Please take care of my baby sister"

Priscilla smiled softly and grabbed Diana's hand that was on her wrist and gave the hand a tight squeeze as assurance "Don't worry. She's in good hands" Diana gave her a small smile and nodded at her as a thank-you

Priscilla let go of her hand and went to the purple limo going in and found a seat between Dizzy and Carlos

Right as Celia, Ben, and Mal got in the vehicle Jay started to drive off, back to the way to Auradon. Priscilla's attention was on Evie and Dizzy's conversation "So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream" Evie exclaims to Dizzy "And go swimming?" Dizzy asked excitingly with a gasp and balled her hand into a fist

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