VII: Bathroom

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I caught up with Jane as we walked silently in the halls to our next class but then she told me she needed to use the bathroom

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I caught up with Jane as we walked silently in the halls to our next class but then she told me she needed to use the bathroom. So I just followed her also gonna use the bathroom. We went outside where some lockers are, we were about to pass through Ben and Mal who seemed to be talking. Jane suddenly let out a squeal with eyes being widen as we walked pass the two

That just reminded me to talk to the Purplenette. "Come on, Jane" I grabbed the girl soft hand and went in the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror fixing my bangs slightly as Jane used the bathroom. I heard the stall door open and showed Jane as she went in front of the Mirror beside me. She gave me a little smile, I gave her one back as I went inside the stall to use the bathroom as well.

As I did I heard a new set of footsteps coming in the bathroom "Hi! It's Jane right?" I heard Mal's voice, I rubbed my face and slightly groaned. What do she want with Jane?

The poor girl probably frighten by now at the sight of Mal who's talking to her "Ah! Always loved that name. Jane" Mal let out a chuckle "That's cool" Jane small voice said "Don't go!" Mal said out loud slightly scaring me "I guess, I was just kind of hoping to make a friend" Mal 'sadly' said Oh please I can hear the fake in her voice. Jane is easy to manipulate, I've experienced it quite a lot and quickly told her to not listen to them

"You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?" Mal asked the shy girl "Hardly" Jane answered "Priscilla is basically the only one I have" Jane told her shrugging, I stood up from the toilet and put my pants back on, I silently closed the lid of the toilet and sat down "Really?" Mal asked "I mean, your mom being Fairy godmother and headmistress? I mean, not to mention your own um...personality"

Mal laughed, "I'd rather be pretty" Jane admitted to the Vk, I began to shake my head and place my head in my hands "You've got great hair" Jane nodded "You know what?" Mal spoke up, I can clearly hear the idea she have in her voice "I have the thing for that" all of the sudden I heard a slam and Mal giggle "It's right... ah! here. 'Beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair'"

I heard Jane exclaim some noises, I rapidly stood up and looked through the cracks of the stalls, all of the sudden I saw Jane with new long hair. Oh her ego is gonna grow even more. But I can't lie she's rocking it.

Jane turns around to the mirror to see her hair have fully grew "Wow!" Mal exclaims "You almost Don't notice your.. other features anymore!" Jane looks down at Mal's spell book and repeatedly taps on it with her finger "Do my nose!"

"Oh. I can't" Mal shake her head, Jane face had fallen "I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic. Not like your mom with her wand" and there it is, the mentioning of the wand yet again "I mean, once swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted"

"She doesn't use the wand anymore" Jane told her sadly "She believe the real magic is in the books and not the spell books. Regular books with history and stuff"

Mal let out a Scoff, "What a rip"

"Yeah" Jane said softly, shaking her head in agreement "You know, she used magic on Cinderella, who's wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?"

And yet there goes the manipulation as I said before and watch Jane fall for it "Well, of course she does. It's.. it's just, you know, tough love. 'Work on the inside, not the outside' You know, that sort of thing"

"That's the face!" Mal exclaim pointing at Jane's face "Yeah, and then just look as if your head is about to break" Jane just looked at her confused, Mal held up her finger and got into action

"Oh mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too" Mal acted out staring at the wall and then smiled at Jane "Think it would work?" Jane asked "Yeah" Mal assured "I mean, that's what old Cindy did, right? And your mom bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo'ed the living daylights out of her" Jane let out a laugh "And hey, if your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me" Mal sat down on the counter

"If I can convince mom, you're so there!" Jane said excitedly "Yay" Mal slightly celebrated, Jane grabbed her bag and waved goodbye at Mal, who waved back.

I opened the stall door as Jane walked and stared at Mal with a glare, scaring her out of nowhere "Now listen to me Mal, I want to you away from Jane!" I pointed at her, Mal arched her eyebrows at me "And why should I do that?" Mal said still with the act "Don't play an act with me. I know what you and your friends did last night"

That now got her attention and act away in a millisecond "And I could just easily go to Fairy godmother or Ben parents and show them the proof" I still had my glare at her "Let see who would they believe, hm?" I nodded and turned around walking out the bathroom to Chemistry class that's about to start soon

I walked into class seeing my seat is right next to Chad. Great. I look at the teacher as he writes down in the chalkboard. I made my way to the seat and placed my things down. I look ahead of me and saw Doug, who smiled at me. I smiled back at him took out a blank piece of paper. I saw Chad tried to look at my paper but I barely even wrote my name "Chad! I barely wrote anything. And if I did I wouldn't let you cheat!" I whispered harshly at him, all he was scoff and wandered somewhere else in his mind

"Any chance he's in love for a throne? Anywhere in line?" I heard Evie asked Doug "Chad. Prince Charming Jr. Cinderella's son" Doug introduced for Evie, she let out a gasp at the mention of his parents "Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there, there, know what I mean?"

"Yes I do" I muttered to myself as I wrote some notes down "Looks like there, there to me" Evie smiled dreamily at Chad who wasn't even paying attention.

"Evie!" The sound of our teacher voice had scared as he was behind Chad "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"

I look up at Evie from my paper to see her mouth just opened nothing coming out "Atomic weight?" She asked mostly to herself "uh, well, not very much. I mean, it's an atom, right?" Evie laughed as Chad laughed along with her, The teacher just let out a sigh and told her to go up to the chalkboard. Evie stopped laughing and gave Doug and I a glance before standing up. I watched her grab something from her purse and go up to the board

"Let's see" She started grabbing the chalk from the teacher who held it out for her. "How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" She repeated the question "That would be 106.905 times 0.5200, plus 108.905, times 0.4800, which Mr.Deley would give us, 107.9 amu" Evie smiled cheekily at the teacher once she was done with the equation. I let out a smirk as I wrote down what she did on the board "Amu?" I heard doug say to himself

"I forget" Mr. Deley started looking embarrassed "Always a mistake to underestimate a-"

"A villain?" Evie cut him off turning back to him "Don't make it again" She under throw the chalk back to him, once she turned around Chad had given her a note looking at her dreamily. Evie gave him a smile taking the note, Chad eyes still stuck at her as she took her seat, her eyes on Chad as well

She released the eye contact by opening the note and read it. Evie smiled and quickly nodded. All of us laid out head on our palm

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