L: School's out for summer

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School finally ended for the Summer

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School finally ended for the Summer. Mal, Evie, Jay, Ben, and Lonnie have finally graduated from Auradon Prep. For the day, The Group was attending a mid-summer Picnic that also doubles as Lonnie's Going Away Party

Lonnie was recruited to play professional Sword and Shields with her hometown team over at The Great Wall, and everyone was celebrating her. They were all seated at the Gazebo at the enchanted Lake

Lonnie looked around the Gazebo grateful for Evie setting it up just for her. Mal was eating some plain Strawberries, Jay was eating every food there was
as if he hasn't eaten for weeks

Evie sat straight looking proud of her set up and happy that Lonnie enjoyed it. Doug was seated next to her slowly eating a sandwich as he watched Lonnie and Evie talk. Carlos was seated up against a column that had leaves facing the lake instead of inside the Gazebo as Priscilla was in between his legs up against his chest as she devoured a chocolate-covered strawberry

With his leather-gloved hands, Carlos was quietly playing with her hair careful enough not to ruin the simple hairstyle she was wearing as Lonnie continued to gush "Evie, I can't believe you planned this whole
Picnic for me" Lonnie paused for a second "Actually I can. You're the sweetest. I mean, look at all this food!" She gestures to the food laid out on the floor in front of them. Evie laughed, blushing as she looked down

"And Chocolate Chip cookies? They're my favorite. How did you know?" Lonnie asked as she picked up a cookie and took a bite of it. Mal let out a chuckle at Lonnie's question, she shook her head "How could we forget?" Mal asked out loud, She discarded the leftover leaves from the third strawberry Mal had "That time when we first go to Auradon, and you came into the kitchen and told us to add Chocolate chips to our cookies. Seriously life-changing"

Eve laughs once again, at Lonnie's praise and the
memory Mal reminds them "I'm glad you like it, Lonnie" Evie spoke softly "You deserve it. It's not every day one of our friends turns pro"

Jay nodded with a mouth full, "Yeah" He said the group laughed but looked at him disgustingly. Jay swallowed his food before continuing "And you can return the favor by getting us free tickets to a couple of matches"

"'Yes" Mal was quick to agree, looking away from the boy to Lonnie, Priscilla silently reached over for
another chocolate-covered strawberry, this time one for her and Carlos as she quietly listened to the conversation "And I'll take a free Jersey, thank you very much" Mal pointed to the Chinese gird

Euse hummed "Ooh, team gear" She tilted her head to the side "That's a whole Fashion world I haven't explored yet"

"You'd be great at it, Evie. Bring a little style to the Sport" Lonnie told the blue-haired girl. Evie smiled
gratefully. "Well, now we've graduated, I'm running Evie's 4hearts full-time" Evie gestures to everyone but Carlos and Priscilla, both of them being the youngest and still had school for another year

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