XV: Asked

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*A double update just for Ma Cherie c-miguel_bilinski *

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*A double update just for Ma Cherie c-miguel_bilinski *

A little later

It's been 15 minutes now and both of the students were sitting on the edge with their feet dipped in the pool. Both were bored and didn't know what to do after their scenario earlier. Carlos and Priscilla kept brainstorming for something to do when suddenly Carlos got an Idea which he feared it could ruin whatever they had but he knew if he didn't do it now he'll never will after He and his friends steal the wand and rule over Auradon. That is something he'll never forgive himself for

Priscilla immediately noticed that got nervous and asked, "Carlos? What's up?"

Carlos head snapped towards her and looked at her with an impression that she couldn't really read, what she didn't know was that the boy is trying to build up enough courage to ask her out

"Well," he stammered nervously "I was considering, maybe, you could go out with me?" Priscilla looked at him in shocked with eyes wide open and mouth hung open. She has not expected that. Anything but that

Carlos took her silence as a no and stared to ramble

"It's totally okay if you don't want to though, I totally get it. I mean who would want to go out with the nerdy villain boy that would be totally Wei-"

"Carlos!" The girl cut off his rambling and grabbed hold of his face. She let out a chuckle, letting go of his face. She stared at him right at the eyes, "I would love to" She replied to his question. He looked at her in shocked that she agreed to go out with me

"You would?"

Priscilla giggled and gave him a nod, she bit her lip. She then stood up "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Carlos rapidly nodded his head "Yeah. Tomorrow"

"Okay" Priscilla smiled widely while looking down at him "See you later then, Carlos" and with that the brown haired girl left the room leaving the villain by himself in the room. He silently celebrated in his head before leaving right after

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