XIII: Voice Chat

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He told her how life was on the Isle of the Lost

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He told her how life was on the Isle of the Lost. It was dirty, boring, and desperate. Thieving was the standard and if you didn't learn how to take you were stolen from. It was unsanitary as their main food income was primarily the leftovers from Auradon.

There was a school that took place at Dragon Hall and it was the part that Carlos liked best. He was a self-proclaimed nerd as he enjoyed learning, science, and technology, so school was his favorite environment.

It was where he could shine since he wasn't very good at any of the physical aspects of life on the isle, his best bet was to Outsmart his opponents. He had even made a hole in the barrier once in attempt to try and get a different television channel since they were only allowed a few channels that were approved and monitored by Auradon.

The accidental breach in the barrier allowed a sliver of magic to return to the isle for a brief moment, which in turn led to his first adventure with Evie, Mal, and Jay and then sealed their friendship.

Talking about friends, Carlos said he didn't really have any before the three. There were Jace and Harry, sons of Jasper and Horace, but they were only around him because of his mother forcing them together so to act as his so called 'minions' like this fathers was to her.

Clearly, Carlos had no interest in having minions and as friends the two boys weren't interested in friendship with him in the first place. He also had a cat named Beelzebub, who was his little own sidekick and helped him to not be so lonely which made me a little confused on why he was first afraid of Rouge

It was when he began talking about his mother, Cruella. He started to struggle. Not the poor condition of him growing up in the isle or the lack of real friendship, it was when he talked about his mother, the woman who should love him

When he started to show signs of stress and anxiety. He was holding Priscilla's hand so tightly she thought she would get a bruise, but she didn't care as she held onto him too. Cruella was true to her name, from the stories she heard from her parents and now from the woman's son. He was treated so badly by her that it just broke her heart.

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