XX: Zipper

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It was Coronation Day

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It was Coronation Day. The day had finally come. Everyone had been waiting for this special day for Prince Ben. Queen Belle and King Beast was the most excited one yet for their only son to finally rule Auradon with Priscilla aside as the Soon-to-be king royal advisor

The latter was up very early in the morning. Nervous and excited are the feeling she feel at the moment, staring at herself at the mirror for the longest time. She finally snapped out of her daze from staring at herself and looked at the long off the shoulder blue dress she planned to wear on a mannequin

The light blue dress had lacing on the top part as it went down to the waist. The clothing had a light blue, slightly darker than the dress itself, belt. The bottom rest just flows down to the ankles stopping there. She planned to wear sliver and blue crown as well, it's not too fancy to steal the attention but it was formal enough for the Coronation

She also had some thick, three inches, heels that she knew will ache her feet later on the day. Her plan for her hair was to be the basics, up and down. She let out a sigh, calming herself down a little

Standing up she walked towards the mannequin going behind it, unzipping the dress, talking it off the king dress from the stand. She hold it up to her view and went her to her hanging mirror. Priscilla pressed the dress to get chest, staring herself down

She turned around to the bed behind her placing the dress down gently and went to underdressing.

The girl had already taken a shower, staying under the warm water. Dreaming about yesterday where she spent the whole day with a certain white haired boy, who slowly by the days the group stayed in Auradon, became her crush

Finally, putting on the dress, without zipping up the back. She faced herself in the mirror once again. Her hand was against her chest to hold the dress to not let it fall and pool up in the floor. The princess turned around still looking at herself over her shoulder, she tried to zip up the dress yet she could only zip it up halfway

She let out a frustrated groan

As she did let out a groan a knock was heard on the door of her dorm room. She looked at herself with a confused look. She turned her to the clock in her room, seeing the time she was even more confused. It's way too early for anyone to be up, ever herself but Ben since he has to be prepared and Practice over everything he needs to know

The confused girl looked down while grabbing the skirt of the dress, looking back up she walked her way to her door. Opening the door seeing it was Carlos in the other side. The said boy was holding some flowers. Lilies, her favorites.

This makes the girl heart flutter at the gesture

"Carlos?" She said surprised to see the boy up so early. She looked down at the floor while opening the door wider for him to come in the room. She looks up at him closing the door locked her "What is it?" She asked

"First of," Started Carlos as he looked at her outfit for the Coronation. He thought she looked beautiful yet she was only wearing the dress on "You look beautiful," Priscilla cheeks blushed at the complement as Carlos handed her the bouquet of flowers

"Thank you" She thanked him getting all shy towards him. Bringing a piece of Hair behind her hair

"Of course," Carlos said slightly getting shy himself, "Um, I just wanted to say that I wanted to apologize for what happened at Family day"

Priscilla listened his apology while walking to an empty vase to put the lilies in, she turned back around to the boy furrowing her eyebrows

"But," Priscilla paused for a second before starting to talk again "But it wasn't yours or the others fault? I thought we already went through this?" She asked confused and walked in front of him, Carlos shook his head "Yes I know but it was our fault. It was all because if our parents past"

"Exactly, Carlos, it was because of your parents past. Not your fault. Or the others. The others aren't their parents and you.. you definitely aren't your mother" Priscilla said sternly and assuringly "and nothing of this is your fault. Only your parents and their past and mistakes. Nobody else's. Don't take the blame for them"

Carlos gave her a sweet small smile, "Well your nothing like your sister" Priscilla laughed, nodding her head from side to side before responding "I certainly know that" She jested making the two of them laugh

"And if that means anyone can be anything they want regardless of their parentage. I think people if Auradon should learn that. Especially since you literally the sweetest boy I know and your mother, from what you've told me is very.. very different" Carlos smile gotten bigger as he liked the idea that she thought he was sweet and that she thought everyone could change

"By the way, I don't have a date to Coronation.." Priscilla commented slowly trailing off while staring hopefully at the boy that he catches on what she's saying

And he did. The boy started to stutter as he caught in what she just said, "A-are you asking me to b-be your date?"

Priscilla nodded her head, bitting her bottom lip and a quiet giggle came out of her mouth "I am. Will you?"

His mouth opened about to answer her but then his thought stopped him. He totally forgot about the plan, the plan Maleficent told his group of friends. He started to overthink. What will she think about it? Will she never talk to him again right after the plan worked? Will she be angry? Angrier at him then the others for not telling her anything?

What he didn't know was that she knew about the museum mess

Carlos shook away the questions from his head and met his heat decided instead. Obviously his head is saying yes. He nodded his head rapidly and answered her quickly, "I would love to go with you"

Priscilla smile was bright and wide. Her heart was beating rapidly in excitement

"Okay, well I still got to get ready" Priscilla said looking down at herself "Me too" Carlos agreed looking down at himself as well. He was about to walk out the dorm room but the princess remembered the trouble won't the zipper and called out to the villain "Oh wait, Carlos!"

Carlos ears perked at the mention of his name and popped his head right back in the room "Yes?"

"Could you help me out?" She asked slowly turning around while moving her hair to the side Rea beaming her slight bare back. Carlos all of sudden got nervous. "Yeah... sure" He said meekly, slowly going his way behind her. Once he reached closer, his fringed graced on the zipper making the girl turn her head to look at him. As she turned her head back around, she felt his the zipper slowly go all the way. She felt his finger on her shoulder slightly fixing the dress a little

"Thank you" Spoke up the princess, above a whisper. Snapping Carlos out of his trance

"Of course, um, I should go..now" Said the still nervous boy, backing up from the girl. The latter turned around to face him

"Oh, yeah" Priscilla nodded her head "I'll see you later then" Reminded the royal advisor "Yeah" Carlos muttered reaching the door, turning the knob "Bye"

With that the boy left the room, Priscilla had let out a sigh she didn't know she had. She held her hand flat on her chest feeling her heart race

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