LXI: The next right thing

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The day turned to night shortly after

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The day turned to night shortly after. The group was sneaking their way to Fairy Cottage. They hid behind trees and boulders as they got closer and closer to the cottage. Ben and Mal ran to the gate of the house first as they held hands and Mal's free hand was holding Hades' ember. Ben opened the metal gate. The couple looks behind to the others. Jay, Evie, Carlos, Priscilla, and Dude rushed their way to the Cottage right behind Mal and Ben. Priscilla looked behind her and Uma, Diana, and Harry got behind her

Ben began to walk towards the Fairy Cottage with everyone else behind. Ben burst into the house but found no one in sight. Everyone slowly got in. Jay rushed up the stairs. Priscilla looked around the small house that was very familiar to her, she walked up to the blue table to see if there was any difference as Jay came back down "She's not upstairs" He informed them

Priscilla lets out a sigh at the information. She turns around facing away from the table to face Ben. Suddenly there was banging on the closet door behind the young king causing him to turn around. Everyone got closer to the closet, Priscilla passed by everyone and got behind Ben. Ben looked through the window as he unlocked the door that was locked by a wooden plank

Ben opened up the door to reveal Chad seated on the floor hugging his knees as he visibly shook. Priscilla's eyebrows furrowed at the sight of Cinderella's son.
"Chad?" Both Priscilla and Ben called to the shaken-up Chad. Priscilla walked closer to the closet to get a better look at him

"I want my mommy," Chad spoke up, a small smile popped up on Priscilla's face. She went to help the poor boy but jumped away from her saying a "no" Priscilla backed up from Chad, raising her hands up as if she surrendered, she looked at Ben and slapped his arm, gesturing to him to help Chad instead. "It's okay," Ben told him as he listened to Pris and helped Chad get back up on his feet, Chad was looking at Ben strangely while getting up. "What happened, Buddy?" Ben asked him, Chad didn't Answer him as he looked at everyone in the room, Priscilla gave him a little wave when he looked at her

Chad let out a confused hum as he stood up straight not seeing a threat, or more specifically Audrey in sight. He looks back at Ben, "Ben. Ben!" He grabbed Ben by his jacket getting closer to Ben's face. He looks at his beard, slightly touching it "Your face" He says, he looks at Mal then at Priscilla "She's gone? Huh?" Priscilla raised an eyebrow at him. Chad looks at the front door seeing that it was open "The door is open. I'm free. Freedom! Oh!" Chad yelled as he ran past everyone to the door still yelling out "Freedom!"

Priscilla placed her hand on her mouth, watching Chad run out as Ben pointed to the door. He walks by Harry who starts to laugh at Chad. He went to close the closet door as everyone walked out of Fairy Cottage. Priscilla dropped her hand from her face and walked towards Carlos to grab his hand as they walked out of the cottage together

Carlos' arms were wrapped around Priscilla's shoulders as they walked behind Harry and Jay. "Ooh. Alright. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already "Uma huffed as she walked beside Mal. Mal let out a laugh "What do you say, girls? Time to wrap things up?" Uma asks she looks at Mal, Mal looks back at her, and the two fist bump

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