LVI: Back to the isle

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The three VKs, Jay, Evie, and Carlos rushed to pack things up for the birthday party for Jane and Priscilla in the enchanted lake

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The three VKs, Jay, Evie, and Carlos rushed to pack things up for the birthday party for Jane and Priscilla in the enchanted lake. Jay and Evie were in the kitchen packing up food as Carlos rushed in

"Morning. Got the beach towels" He informed them, stuffing the towels in the basket. Evic threw apples towards Jay as Carlos went behind the boy "I really think they're gonna like the cake, you guys" Carlos spoke about both Priscilla and Jane. Jane was already at the lake waiting for more people to arrive, especially the VKs and Priscilla. The said girl was still in Evie's cottage with the VKs, she was starting to go down the stairs to the Kitchen

Carlos' smile dropped when he viewed the birthday Cake "Oh no" He muttered, right as Priscilla walked into the kitchen. Carlos slammed his hands on the counter and went around it catching the others attention "Okay. Who got into the cake?" He asked loudly enough for everyone in the house to hear him

Priscilla leaned towards the box to see that the cake was cut into making her chuckle, Carlos looked back to see her "I think it was Dizzy and Celia" She laughed, she walked towards Carlos and placed an assuring hand on his shoulder seeing that he was stressing out "It's fine" She said looking at him "They just came to Auradon from the isle where things weren't fresh. They were tempted to eat it, you should understand that"

"And I'm sure that Jane wouldn't mind if I explain it to her" Priscilla added, She patted his shoulder and began to drag her hand to his back, pushing Carlos away from the kitchen "We'll be back. He obviously needs to calm down" She told Jay and Evie who nodded their heads understanding

Priscilla continued to lead Carlos to the room He and Priscilla slept in. "I just wanted this to be perfect" Carlos whined as they entered the room. Priscilla softly closed the door behind her. She stayed quiet as she passed by Carlos and went to bed, lying down. "It's fine the way it is," She told him assuringly, patting the spot beside her

Carlos willingly went towards the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed instead of lying down beside her. Priscilla could see that the boy was thinking about what he could do to fix the problem. She rested up to her shoulder to hold her weight and placed a hand on his chest slowly pushing him down to his back

Carlos did so but confusion was plastered on his face "Lay down" Priscilla commanded, once Carlos was down she laid her head on his chest "Stop stressing about it. Everything is fine. You know Jane and I aren't the ones to complain about reasonable stuff"

Carlos could only sigh at her words "Why are we laying down?" He questioned, looking down at her, his hand on her head playing with Priscilla's hair "We should be going to the Enchanted Lake"

"I am tired. You woke me up way too early," Cilla explained as she closed her eyes "and I wanted you beside me" She confessed, She slowly drifted off to sleep. Carlos smiled at her and continued to play with Priscilla's hair as she went to slumber

The two spend some of the morning in bed, tangled to each other. Priscilla kept on waking up and then going back to sleep and Carlos was happy enough to just hold her in his arms. After the fourth time of waking up from her nap, Priscilla just decided to stay up and stay in bed to cuddle up with Carlos

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