LVIII: Find Ben

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Priscilla and the Vks made it back to Auradon but once they stepped onto school grounds they noticed every single person was asleep, just like the reporter said

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Priscilla and the Vks made it back to Auradon but once they stepped onto school grounds they noticed every single person was asleep, just like the reporter said. Mal, Evie, and Priscilla had their phones to their ears. Mal was trying to contact Ben, Evie tried Doug, and Priscilla tried Jane

Evie looked around her at the sleeping people "They're asleep" She stated, "Everyone" Mal put her phone down "I can't get Ben" She said

"Or Dizzy or Doug" Evie added

Priscilla shakes her head as she removes her phone from her ear. She looks at the corner of the screen "Or Jane. The signals are out" Priscilla raises her phone up in the air trying to get any sort of a signal "Is that Auradon prep?" Celia asked the Auradon Vks, pointing at the school

Carlos turns to the girl "Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it" He told her, Priscilia turned her head to the young Vk seeing her jaw was dropped, and whispered a "yes" while clenching her fists. Priscilla laughs at her

Priscilla gives up looking for a signal and puts her phone away "Everything is so..." Gil trails off as he looks around him, Jay is right behind him also looking around "Freaky" Jay finishes but Gil says something different


Jay was looking at one of the sleeping girls, she was resting on her arm "You have leaves on your trees" Gil continued, looking at Jay getting his attention. Gil points at a bush "And what are those colored things on the bushes?"

"Un... Flowers?" Jay told him, confused

"Flowers are pretty," Gil stated with a smile, Pris overheard their conversation and smiled at Gil's words. She looked around and locked eyes with Dina who was spectating all the sleeping people before looking back at Priscilla. The girl walked towards the princess, pointing behind her with her thumb "This was your sister's doing?" She asked, a bit shocked

Priscilla nodded "Yup" She sighed looking around "With Malenticent's scepter " Diana let out a disbelief sigh and continued to look around. Cilla decided to pull out her phone and try calling Jane a few more times. As the call wasn't answered she heard Mal and Uma say "Guys" at the same time to Jay and Harry, she turned and saw Harry pointing his Hook at Jay

"Dude" She heard Carlos call out to the dog. She turned around and heard Dude let out a burp. Priscilla pinched her eyebrows together and went to Carlos, standing next to her boyfriend "Dude, really?" Carlos asked, slightly disappointed as he let his hands fall to his sides

"What? It wasn't me, I swear" The talking dog was quick to defend himself but soon gave in "Okay. It was me" Priscilla smiled and shook her head. She placed her hands on her waist as Mal walked to stand beside Pris. Carlos turned to look at Mal then back to Dude

"Hey, do you know what happened here?" He asked the dog, talking about all the sleeping people "Yup. Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep and then she turned some of them to-"

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