Ch.1 Hell yeah, a prodigy!

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"Hey, U-CHI-HA!"

Akari narrowed her golden-brown eyes into a glare. For a ten-year-old with some solid puppy-eye talent, it surprised people that she could pull that look off.

"What is it, Akio?" she dead-panned.

"Iruka-sensei's looking for ya," he said, smiling cheerfully, ignoring her dry tone. "Good luck, short stuff. You need it."

"MY HEIGHT IS AVERAGE FOR MY AGE!" she bellowed at the top of her lungs, however Akio was already walking off, waving dismissively at her.

"Tch, jerk," she grumbled, stomping her way towards the academy staff-room.

Iruka glanced up from his work when he heard light footsteps stomping right outside the staff-room, before a very annoyed little girl wearing a loose black-hoodie shoved the door open, barely preventing it from hitting the wall, and shut it behind her, all the while grumbling under her breath.

"... stupid, so stupid, only two years older and still thinks he can call me short stuff that artless tottering villainous ill-nurtured hell-hated beef-witted beetle-headed hedge-pig-"

"...Ah... Akari?" Iruka slightly sweat-dropped at his youngest student. For all the things she could use her creative mind for, it had to be wasted on trying to insult someone.

"Iruka sensei!" she answered, chuckling sheepishly, with a small flush on her cheeks. "Didn't see you there... hehe."


"Oh right. This is the staff room... of course you're here...hehe..." 

Akari was famous for that awkward laugh she seemed to had to end most of her sentences with everytime she spoke something stupid or messed something up.

Iruka sighed. And this kid was this year's prodigy?

Well, most Uchihas were prodigies, so it shouldn't come as such a surprise. However most Uchihas were also stuck-up and arrogant. And not so simple-minded and easy going and complete fools when it came to the most obvious things.

He couldn't believe what he was about to say right now. Even though he was happy for her, but it worried him at the same time. 

"Sensei?" he blinked a few times to see Akari waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh, right. Hold out your hands," he said, smiling slightly.


"Hold out your hands, Akari."

"But why?"

"Just do it..."

"Wait why? I swear I didn't do anything wrong! That red-footsteps prank was Minko, not me! I only suggested it! Because she asked! And about the duster... I wasn't aiming to throw it out of the window... i-it just fell! And-"


"Uh well look sensei-"

Iruka let out a long suffering sigh, cutting her off. Which confused Akari, because she was expecting another shouting. As amazing as Iruka-sensei was, he screamed a lot.

A lot.

And being good at studies did not spare you from it.

Iruka noticed her confusion and simply shook his head. He really wouldn't have minded suffering this brat's constant questions in his class for two more years, if it meant she got to stay shielded from the shinobi life for a little longer. And he could hope that she would mature at least a little more in that short time.

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