Chapter 1

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Tenley's POV

They say revenge is a meal best served cold but I think they are wrong, revenge is a meal best served RIGHT. It's not about the time that is taken, it's rather about the plan that follows the action when you get to look them in the eye and know that with one shot you can end them. The power gives you when you know that you can finally put an end to the person who hurt you deeply. That is what I call revenge because to me it drives me, it has driven me for five fuckin years and right now there is no room for mistakes.

At this point, I need to count every step I take after the mistakes that I have encountered over the past couple of weeks. As soon as the news surfaced for where he has been hiding I immediately sent my men in to kill him but they failed and have kept on failing again and again. I never took him as a planner he wasn't and I know he still isn't but just because he got a planner that is making all of this difficult for me. I know I can't get myself there, inside their territory, it's dangerous for me but good thing they are out of there.

I don't know where they are now but I need them to come to me, I need to lure them out of wherever they are hiding so I can attack and kill them both

I took in his picture, he wasn't smiling and as usual, a scowl was stuck on his face. I could say I am happy he isn't at least happy where he is but I can't, I just need him on his knees and maybe then I will be happy knowing I got him in my arms. I want and get revenge on what he did to my dad- "Ten" My twin sister Paisley called getting inside my office "They got it" she announced with my laptop in her hands.

"They got it?" I questioned just to be sure as she made her way to my side of the table laying the laptop down.

"There was a glitch, it took just one second, and then I got the control back. I know if I didn't have the laptop in my hands I could have missed it" She explained her hand leaning down before glancing at me "He hacked us" She finally finished, I leaned back with a smirk, so he finally got in, he took the bait like I knew he will "What is your plan now?"

"You know my plan" I didn't need to explain it again, I got up from my chair glancing outside at the clear blue skies, knowing that in just a few weeks we will be able to get them

"I know but why this, don't you think it's...I don't know something we shouldn't go for"

"It's our only chance to get revenge for dad" I turned to her "Are you backing out now?" when we are closer than we have ever been.

"I'm not" she quickly defended herself "I'm scared for you, we don't know what he will do or where-"

"We know enough" I cut her off my eyes staring directly into hers that are the same as mine. Looking at her sometimes felt like a mirror except she had somehow softer features compared to mine "You saw it Pais-" I turned my computer towards her with the three pictures of the people I hate. "They are in this together and to get to these two we need to pass through this one" I explained calmly.

"I know and I understand but what if we miscalculated something plus are you ready to do this"

"We didn't miscalculate anything and I am so ready, whatever it takes to finish those guys off"

"What if it doesn't work" I groaned, she is so negative sometimes "It's not like I mean you will fail because I trust you though think about the fact that he is into feminine guys what if it doesn't work because you know you're not feminine and what if-" I understood what she was saying and I know that might be the only thing I can't plan but also I feel like Pais is forgetting something.

"Come sit" I called her to the couch next to the window and after she took a seat I followed "We are not the only ones searching for something. They need our dad HE needs our dad and with that, he has to pass through me. And when he does he needs to think I am vulnerable and weak. That is why I made that erotic journal, to make it easier for them to think they can play me"

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