Chapter 33

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A strong light isn't something I wanted to see when I opened my eyes, I had to close them and tried again slowly. My body felt weak when I tried to get up, heavy even "Mr. Storm" A voice boomed startling me, a man in a medical uniform "Glad to see you awake, how are you feeling?"

I first searched the room, I was in a hospital "How did I get here?" my voice didn't sound like mine at all. I held my head feeling a headache.

"You were brought in by your brother. He found you in an empty house laying in the cold. You had alcohol in your system too and Mr. Storm you developed hypothermia which was mild thanks to your brother for finding you early" He said all of that while noting down whatever he was noting "I would advice to never drink again in areas like that or not drink at all as you seem bad at holding your liquor"

I can hold my liquor, I was too tired and when I tried to go back home my car was in pieces I decided to stay in that house because it reminded me how warm it used to be. I guess I should have walked out sooner but why when it was the only place I felt home "You said my brother brought me in?"

"Yes, Tenley he said" My heart limped but stopped at the same time "You will be discharged today Mr. Storm, I will go get your papers ready" I just nodded trying not to think about the brother thing.

I know I don't want to see him, I am way too ashamed to look him in if the universe is against me the door opened and none other than Tenley walked in "Hi" he smiled closing the door behind him, I felt my heart melt from the sound of his voice and the smile he had made me remember that it has been long since I saw him and I had missed him so much "I heard you're getting discharged, how are you feeling?"

Why does he sound so casual, doesn't he remember what happened that day. What took place, how we... "Hey" he called again then held my forehead and pecked it.

"What are you doing?" I pushed away from his hands

"Seeing if you are okay"

"Don't touch me" actually I didn't need him anywhere near me "Can you give me space" he stepped back but it still felt like he was still here. I pushed myself into a sitting position "Don't touch me" I refused his help sitting up taking the covers off my body. I still felt weak but I am leaving this place right now.

"Hey, Mr. Storm glad to see you out of bed" the same doctor came back in with a piece of paper "Here is your discharge papers, the medication you will need to take, and please stay in warm spaces for a few days until you're back to normal" I just nodded while picking up my clothes "Alright, take care of him" his words were directed to Tenley as he handed him my discharge papers.

"I will try but I know he will not listen to me"

"Try listening to your brother here, he was worried about you" I gritted my teeth, I know he is my brother I just hated when someone tried making it a point. Reminding me every second like I don't fuckin remember.

"Do you think I don't know he is my brother" I snapped taking the papers from Tenley storming out of there? I passed through the hospital corridors still feeling weak but I was bent on leaving this hospital right now. A hand landed on my shoulder and I shrugged it off "How many times do I have to tell you to not touch me" I snapped going to the counter presenting by papers before going out

"You think this is only hurting you" he snapped pulling my hand forcing me to listen "I'm hurting too just like you and I am lost. I thought we will do this together but you're here ignoring me like I don't exist"

"And I wish you didn't exist, I wouldn't be in this mess, to begin with," He looked hurt but I didn't give two shits about him, I just needed to leave right now, and when I spotted a taxi I jumped in directing him to my apartment.

Before he could leave Tenley joined "There is no escaping this, we fucked and not just once you-"

"Stop talking, you, drive" I ordered the cab driver

"I won't, it needs to register in your head. You can't act like this is nothing, we need each other. Mom wants to see you-"

"She is not my mother" I gritted my teeth so angry.

"Denial doesn't help-"

"What do you want me to do?" I scoffed "You want me to join you to family dinners so that we can sit like a happy little family, please, get your head out of the gutter and fuck off"

"We are your family?"

"I know my family" I snapped paying for the taxi when it reached my home "And you can send a million fuck you's to yours"

"You can't escape this Calvin, no matter what it's gonna hunt you"

"As long as I escape you, I'm escaping it all" I slammed the door close and walked straight into the couch. I took in deep breaths while searching for my phone then remembered that those two were stolen.

Fuck life, fuck everything

"Finally he shows up" the voice startled me as I stood up ready for a fight when I noticed Dash and Mekhi.

"The fuck you doing in Livesberg" I questioned sitting back down trying to get my heart back in order while holding my head fighting the sprinting headache I felt.

"You didn't think you would disappear from the grid and not search for you," Mekhi said drinking my whiskey "What kind of friends would that make us?"

"We are not friends" I corrected

"Correct, we just need the progress on Grizzly," Dash said, maybe that is why I can tolerate him better than Mekhi. He didn't sugarcoat things, you would know exactly where you stand and be ready Mekhi is a conniving man who can attack when you least expects it.

"You should go back and enjoy your lives"

"Why, you killed him?" Mekhi asked

"Nah, the bitch has been on a bed for five years after your boy here shot him in the head. Now he is just like a fuckin potato" I explained. For the first time in years, Grizzly is less of my worries, how things change. I used to dream of killing him every waking day of my life now I don't even care, good thing he is on the bed.

"Then who has been attacking- that kid is dead" Dash snapped holding his fist tightly when he realized who had been attacking us all those months back.

"You're not touching him" I warned "He was just trying to avenge his dad" I knew what Dash was planning right away but I can't allow him to touch Tenley no matter what.

"Are you in love with the kid" I gave Dash a look for him to cut it out, I wasn't in the mood to be reminded of what was happening.

"You got your answers to go back to whatever hole you two crawled out of"

"Why didn't you inform us of this earlier" Mekhi questioned.

"Since when I'm I supposed to report to you" why are they acting like I am supposed to inform then of everything.

"Since we joined forces" Dash replied making me scoff getting off the couch standing face to face with him "Want to fight?"

"Dash I don't have your time," I said turning to Mekhi "Get your boy and take him out of here"

"Hey don't talk-"

"Dash calm down" Mekhi cut him off "Let's go"

"This is so not over Oz" He threatened as he got pulled out of my house. I sighed sitting back down with a groan regretting every decision I have ever made in my life. Because it's wrong choices that brought me to where I am right now.

The thirst for revenge got me here

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