Chapter 14

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Oz's POV

I woke up from what was supposed to be my nap but I think I might have overslept since it's already morning. Tenley was not next to me like he was when we went to sleep after yesterday's events. I shouldn't have slept that comfortably with the enemy in my home but I just couldn't help it, sleeping next to him felt nice 'best nap of my life' yet he might be checking into my stuff by now

I got up and made my way out of the room wanting to catch him in the act and see what his lie would be but instead, I was caught by a different sight, one I was not anticipating for that I stayed next to the bedroom door taking him in fully. He was doing yoga, he was in a hands-down yoga pose and my eyes were on his ass that looked so good, after a few seconds he slowly lifted his legs until they were up in the sky.

The pose flexed every single muscle on his body, legs but mostly his hands. Never thought a sight like that could be a turn-on most especially when it's dripping wet. He held the position for who cares how long with me staring until he lowered them once again into a wheel "Oh Oz" he did a backflip getting back onto his feet "Good morning" he smiled wiping his face.

"Good morning" He looked better than yesterday, his eyes lighter and it might be from the fact that he had some food and hydrated enough or because of his yoga "Should you be doing that"

"Why not? If I can't run then a morning stretch will have to do. Do you want to join?"

"I am not that flexible" I confessed, I don't think my body can do those kinds of poses "But good to know you can bend like that" I threw it at him with a smile, his flexibility gives me ideas on what he can and can't do. My head got filled with desire as I licked my lips pushing off the door getting back inside the room taking off my shirt hitting the shower deciding to keep my self-control before I devour him this early in the morning yet he is still bruised.

The warm water calmly trickled down my body and after washing off, I brushed my teeth with a towel wrapped around my waist. I rinsed my mouth walking out finding Tenley next to the bed drinking water "I see you have healed up very well" I said depending on my observation while ignoring the lust full gaze he had on me.

"Just a tiny pain here and there though not the pain that can stop me" he replied after clearing his throat. I acted oblivious of what I was doing to him, he soon strutted to the bathroom and I had to hold in a laugh at how flustered and hard he was as I decided to pick out clothes for the day "Hey I realized something"

"And that is?" I questioned without turning to him choosing some sweat pants, I have nowhere to be this morning.

"I have never seen you naked, like completely naked-naked" he sounded confident yet nervous at the same time, and without turning to him keeping my focus on the two shirts that I wanted to wear but couldn't decide yet which to wear so I asked

"And you want that baby boy?"

"Yes, you have seen all of me why haven't I" that is fair but still not quite. I chose my white plain shirt finally turning to him after putting the other one back

"Because I can take all of you but you can't take all of me, don't ask for things you're not ready for my sweet little prince" My smile didn't once waver and the fact that his eyes moved to the towel like he wanted to see through it made me chuckled pulling on my sweat pants still not showing him my lower half just to keep him in suspense

His eyes moved back to my face after failing to see what was between my legs, his face scrunched in disappointment as he released a groan "Yet here I am still with a virgin ass" the comment caught me off guard as I tilted my head with my hands on my waist with a smile still taking in what he said. His nose scrunched then closed the door after giving me a displeased look. I laughed enacting my hands over my face, they say never ask for things you're not ready for because you never know what is awaiting. If I get my hands on that ass he will not be able to sit, he should be glad I have been so lenient on him for now.

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