Chapter 13

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Tenley's POV

I have been locked into my room for days now, I don't know where to begin plus I need to give my wounds time to heal (well not really) but.....I am still trying to calculate my next move as I don't know what is next for me. I don't think I can go back to Oz, he has probably found out about the chip and he now knows I have been playing him, I can't go there and continue with the act

that is another thing that is stressing me a lot.

I want to be there, I want to be with him. This is the time I just want to lay in his bed and let us continue with what we have been doing but it's also the time I can't, yet I need him, I want him, I miss him but he probably knows how I have been playing him and can't wait to kill me. I can't believe we are now going to be real enemies. Just remembering when we were together. How we played roles, all the fun times with him that didn't seem like too much but now seem like the only thing I can think about, like the only great memories in my life.

I find myself looking at his photos all day long and I just wish we met in different circumstances. I just wish all of this was different, real, and not like this. I feel bad for using him even if I know he was using me too, so he could get to my dad and this is probably not real yet to me it is. Every single second with him was worth it, I just wish we met in different circumstances. Maybe then I wouldn't feel bad for lying. He has been doing the same even though I have no proof of that as he has never asked me about anything like that, he has never tried to extract information from me....ugh, what if we were mistaken and he wasn't here for us "Ten" Pais knocked on the door.

"I want to be alone" I need to be alone, I feel bad and everything hurts because my wounds are making me feel heavier than my heart.

"I have some good news" She yelled back, I got off my bed and pulled the door open "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"What is the good news?" I didn't want to dwell on how I feel as it's not important, I just need to hear the good news she has for me

"Has your phone been off?" I nodded. I did not want to be disturbed by anyone so I turned it off. Truthfully I didn't want to see the days go by and be forced to call Oz and apologize for missing out on our date on Tuesday, he probably doesn't care by now and just needs my blood. I walked back to the bed taking a seat  "Oz has been calling you"

"Are you still tapping his phone, he is probably baiting us now isn't he" He should know he has a bug in his phone, there is nothing we can do for now except sit back and wait for Dash and Mekhi to get back on the grid

"On the contrary no" She took a seat next to me and held onto my shoulder "You were wearing a mask, Mekhi didn't see your face. They don't know who you are and Oz doesn't, you can still go back" What if they are baiting us "Mekhi has so many enemies, he doesn't know who it is that attacked him"

I thought more into what she said and it sounds right but still, I blew our first chance. what makes her think the second time won't blow just like the first time, and this time I will have to give Oz some information if I need him to stay and not go to someone else "It's useless now"

"Why? I thought you locked yourself in this room because you thought he knew, now that you know he doesn't you don't want to go back" She doesn't understand, I passed my hand over my face with a deep groan. I wanted to make her understand what I am going through exactly but it sounded too complicated for me too.

"Okay, I will go back" I nodded my eyes on my hand, everything is so heavy and difficult. This was supposed to be a simple thing and I won't have to be this confused.

"Alright, take all the time you need" I sighed holding my head that felt like it wanted to burst. I walked into the bathroom pouring water in my face taking deep breaths. I can't fight this, I know how relieved I am to know that he didn't see my face, that he doesn't know it was me. 'Oz doesn't know it was me' that alone gave my heart the beating that I have been missing, the feeling of being able to see him and him not being mad at me made me excited once again. I picked up my keys and took off, I was still in pain but I needed to see Oz, I just needed to see him even if it's one second, whatever will happen I don't care I just hope he doesn't hate me.

I jumped into my car and backed out of the drive taking the road to Oz's house. Within a few minutes I was parking right outside his house, I didn't want to think so much about it I sauntered to the door ringing the doorbell nervously. I didn't know what to expect, it has been nearly two weeks without us talking I don't know how it will go and this scares me.....

The door flew open, he was on the phone but when he saw me his face turned to concern "My boy what happened?" He asked taking the phone off of his ear, that was the only thing that I desired, some assurance that we are still in the same place as when we separated a few nights back. I fetched myself closer and wrapped my hands around his body into a tight needed hug, I sighed when he wrapped my hands around me I felt satisfaction and comfort that he didn't hate me. I felt us step inward but I didn't once unwrap my hands from him nor did I lift my head when I heard the door close behind us "Let us take a seat"

He held my hand and led us onto the couch, I just sat down on his lap and wrapped my hands around him again letting the craving I have had for him take over, it was getting harder to fight every single day.

I think he understood that I didn't want to talk and just held me without saying a word, it took minutes that felt like seconds because I wanted to stay right there for however long I could yet he brought me out of the hug and examined my face, it's bruised and purplish though it's recovering not like the first few days when they felt like hammers still digging into my skin. At this point, I feel like they would be gone soon "Do you still like the red skin" I joked trying to break the intense feeling away and his overly concerned look made me feel bad somehow.

He is just so nice and caring, I feel like I don't deserve it somehow since I am lying. I shouldn't feel bad but he hasn't given me a reason to doubt him and I feel like I might have misjudged the entire thing because if he hates my dad and wants him dead so bad, why should he be this caring

"Don't even joke about it, who did this to you?" He sounded seriously concerned and pained, his fingers were next to my jaw, tenderly holding it as if he didn't want to hurt me even more. I felt offended somehow because I am not that fragile but also for him to care enough to hold me with care also made my heart swell with a warmness that got my skin warm.

"You know teenagers, we get into shit" I lied but felt like I wanted to throw up, my stomach twisted and I hissed in pain. He noticed and pulled my shirt up a bit taking in the large bruise there, Dash did a number on me.

"Is this why you haven't picked up my phone calls" I gave a simple yeah taking a seat beside him and my wounds hurt even more than they have in the last few days. I thought they were healing and it was just a numbing pain yet now they hurt like a bitch "Were you thinking about hiding this from me until you were healed" he questioned his voice fading the more he stepped out of the room, my heart almost jumped out until I realized what he was talking about, he was talking about the wound, not the fact that I have been lying and playing him. He wasn't talking about me planning this entire thing "Take off your shirt"

"I don't think I can" I did it by myself this morning but I am here with him and I want him to take care of me like he did the first time, I missed his caring touch.

"Okay," he came closer and slowly assisted me out of my shirt. I hissed the entire way through. If the doctor hadn't told me that I didn't break anything I would say I broke every single bone in my body "They are in the process of healing" he examined them then applied some ointment on his fingers and gently rubbed my skin, it felt nice I bit my lip trying to hold in both a pained hiss and a moan. He seemed attentive to the wound and the way he took care of them exceeded the way any doctor takes care of their patient and this is the care I missed.

He rubbed every wound slowly, giving every wound the time it deserved then proceeded to another "Have you had anything to eat"

"No, didn't have an appetite"

"How many days have you spent without having an appetite" I recalled and in these past days it has been almost every day if I am being honest, my body ached so bad, and the thought of him hating me made me want to throw up every single day so I guess these past few weeks "Why would you do that to yourself, your eyes show you have been starving yourself" I cursed my eyes down ashamed "Hey look at me" he pushed my legs a bit and sat down "I didn't mean to scold, I am just worried"

"I'm sorry daddy"

"I'm not angry my little Prince" I found myself smiling my heart thumping from the name, I'm his little Prince "Good thing you're here now and you should know I am always here if something like this ever happens and I hope it doesn't happen again" I smiled liking that, I felt like I could count on him.

"Thank you, daddy"

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