Chapter 18

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Oz's POV

A surprise indeed, who knew he would have gone out of his way and got a piercing on his nipple and not only that but shaved his body, now it felt so smooth. Just caressing it between my fingers made my dick so hard it was leaking in my pants "Baby boy" I called holding his chin my fingers still flicking the hard swollen bud. I don't even think we should be playing with that anytime soon, it might be infected, good thing I still have the other "Daddy likes your surprise"

I leaned down and bit his lip then let go with pop right before deepening the kiss bringing him closer. My hands were on his back and one on his neck as I tasted the sweetness of his mouth that tastes like the strawberry, vodka lemonade cocktail he took earlier.

I groaned grabbing his ass caressing it through his trousers getting him impossibly closer. His hands found their way into my shirt caressing my pecs while moving his lips greedily against my own, his dick grazing mine but then he broke the kiss and gave me a guilty yet seductive look

"I did something else" he smiled wrapping his hands around my neck as he moved his lips onto my chin pecking while going down right on my wound. I hissed when his slick wet tongue came across it the first time "I'm sorry daddy" he whispered against my skin then licked once again as if he was cleaning all of the dried blood by now.

I liked that sign of trust, he is willing to lick my blood. He wrapped his mouth around it and started sucking while humming "Mmmm, yes" the vibrations made me weak to the knee that I had to hold onto the counter while pulling him closer as a sign for him to suck even harder, I never thought I was that sensitive in the neck

He sucked hard one last time then leaned back with a dislodging sound "Aah, you make me think dirty daddy" he mumbled then crushed our lips together again. I disconnected our lips and held his face.

"You make me want to do dirty things to you" I replied pulling him so we were face to face "See that body against mine, feel every single tremor that comes out of you, watch as I play with you and make you all red leaving a mark of who you belong to, of who owns you. Hear you scream my name with my thick big cock being held with your tight hole, I want to fuck you until I can't hear a single word coming out of you......I want to make you mine"

"Yes daddy, do that.....everything" he breathlessly let out right before slamming into me almost sending us to the ground. He seemed not to notice as he kissed me hard, rough, and fast, the ripping of my shirt made me gasp. I broke the kiss and found my shirt falling off me in pieces while Tenley was now trying to unbutton my jeans.

I held his hands behind his back, he took in deep breathes trying to get down from that and he looked like a boy in heat "Well, there goes that shirt" it was in shreds, perks of having a strong bottom coz without any complaint, that was sexy only if he took it slow. Taking time is always hot and sexy "Having control ends outside, when with me it's my rules"

"I'm sorry daddy" he seemed embarrassed

"It's my rules"

"Your rules" he replied looking uncomfortable, squirming from that boner he is possessing. My need to play with people gave me control in such situations, I might need him this bad but I can still play with him for an hour without release and he would be losing his shit.

"My body-" he gulped as I let go of his hands letting them fall to his side and I started circling him "-My words. You don't speak unless permitted to, you don't initiate anything without asking.....politely" I stopped behind him taking him by the chin leaning his head back as I move to his ear "You only move to the sound of my voice" he quivered leaning into me while whimpering, my hand caressed his lower pecs teasingly knowing where he wanted my hand yet he was not going to get that at least not in the first thirty minutes and that is me being generous.

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