Chapter 40

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Oz's POV

As those words left my mouth I was still struggling to believe them myself. The man I came here to kill was killed by...I let the phone fall out of my hands as I started moving my rifle to check where the bullet had come from. I surveyed all the buildings yet no one seemed to be anywhere, it had been a quick shoot and run.

Who knew Grizzly would be killed like this. I didn't know how to feel if I should be relieved because the motherfucker is dead or should I be mad that someone did what I wasn't able to do. My scope moved back to the Hurxley mansion to find Tenley screaming while clutching his dad's body close to his chest.

The rest were stunned standing not a few inches away from him staring at him with shocked yet sad expressions. I moved my scope back to Tenley zooming in and my heart clutched, seeing his teary face as he cried like a child as if it will help bring his dad back made me feel not so relieved that Grizzly is dead.

I assembled my gun before putting it back in my case while picking up my phone again to find it cracked and Mekhi was already off. I climbed down the building and ran to my car throwing the rifle in I was about to get in and drive away but my heart stopped as I glanced back at the Huxley's residence. Recalling Tenley's face as he held his dad like that made me not want to leave.

We might have ended on a bad note the last time but no one deserves to lose the person they love. I might have wished Grizzly death but he wished him something else which was recovery. I closed the door and before I could think about it more before running into the residence, as usual, the guards didn't give me a thought as I passed through however cries could be heard from inside and I knew they belonged to my boy.

The deep sorrow could be heard from his screams that I ended up running into the back yard where I found him still in the same position clutching his dad. The sight broke me up close more than when I was in a distance, his screams were dying down as he held his dad even tighter and for a second I thought I could feel his pain in my body just from seeing this sight.

My eyes moved to Ruth and as if on time she smiled before looking back at her son giving a sad look. This made me recall what Mekhi just told me earlier about who she is. What kind of game is she playing?? Why did she want her husband dead "Calvin" A heavy clogged voice called and I finally turned my head towards Tenley, he was now looking up at me with a wet face "He's dead" he cried standing up "Th-ey kill.." I was quick to hold him before he hit the ground and even if we still fell I took the impact

"He's dead" he cried onto my chest. I decided to wrap my arms around him and it seemed like he had lost some muscle over the last couple of months. It might now have been visible but I felt it when I held him, it didn't feel like this the last time I had him in my arms which I admit was very long ago maybe seven to eight months.

The doctors came in with a stretcher and carried Grizzly off the ground resting him onto the stretcher before taking him away. I always thought I would be the one to plant that bullet between his eyes or be happy seeing him being taken away like that but right now Tenley makes it hard to want that, he makes me wish the man didn't die and was only sleeping just like the last time "He's not dead please tel-" his head moved out of my chest and when he turned there was no Grizzly "Where-"

"He was just taken away" I calmed him down once again as I pulled him into my chest letting him cry there. My shirt is now soaked wet but I didn't care, he needed a shoulder to cry on. My eyes moved back to Ruth, she lied about being my mother and I know she set someone else to kill Grizzly. I just don't know why she needed me up there at the minute but I guess we will fin- Tenley's pained scream caught my attention.

I knew I had to take him out of here, I got up and got him to his feet before carrying him wrapping his legs onto my waist as I carried him back into his room. I rested him onto the bed and I was about to untangle his hands from me but he held onto me tight bringing me down with him "Don't leave me" he sobbed

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