Chapter 31

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At first, I thought I was dreaming when I heard the voice that sounded like the woman who raised me, no, the voice of a woman who birthed me. The woman I grew up calling mom until the day she was murdered with the rest of the people I ever care about in my life. The shock on both our faces or rather she had a horror face on hers as she looked at the two of us.

I was still trying to take her in, this is the Ruth I have seen in the media. Mrs. Huxley, looking as beautiful as ever. Her body was built like a woman just making it to her thirties but could be mistaken for a twenty-five-year-old. She looked nothing like the woman I used to know.

Her sight suddenly turned to Tenley before she moved like I couldn't see her then yanked Tenley out of my hands putting him behind her back looking so overprotective of him all of the sudden "Sweetie, go call the police" She said with her hand up like I will attack her any minute. That hurt? I was never the violate one she taught me that. Even when I started shooting with my dad's riffle she was against it but had no way of stopping me because that was the life we were living. Still, she didn't stop being against it and I know I am out of my mind right now but attacking her would be the last thing I would ever do.

"Mom, he is not a threat" Tenley defended getting away from behind her moving back to me "I brought him here to see dad" Tenley was back in my arms wrapping his hands around me and I didn't hold him back. my eyes are on the woman I am still trying to understand why she is alive when she was shot that day.

They all died, the same day how come she is here alive and well. Was she still alive when I ran, did the fire burn her, is that why she had plastic surgery done to her face and body then changed her name? I am trying to understand "How?" it was the only question I was able to utter. Like she is physically different from the woman I knew but still she...her voice, I might be mistaken. It can't be.....

"How do you two know him, mom?" Paisley was the one that asked, looking at the two of us. That was a very good question and I needed the answer coz she can't be, she has to be maybe her sister or...

"He's my son" She replied with tears in her eyes as she looked down as if in shame. I felt Tenley's hold on me loosen taking a step away from me and as if on cue his mom pulled him into her arms again "What are you doing here Calvin?" She questioned wiping her tears away.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" I asked taking her in "What happened? You were supposed to be dead to-"

"I don't want to talk about it" She cut me off as if my questions were a bug to her "I just want you to get out of my house right now"

"Aren't you going to try and explain why you're here and how you survived" I need answers, she doesn't think I haven't noticed that she is in what is supposed to be Grizzly's house? Was it their plan, was she even in danger, to begin with, was it all a setup from her and Grizzly? Did they combine to betray my father?

"I don't-" She tends not to want to talk about things when she is not in the mood though I need answers.

"I'm your son I deserve a fuckin explanation for all of this" I snapped my voice deadly, I needed an explanation. For years I thought she was dead only to find her living in a mansion with the enemy.

"You're not going to talk to me like that Calvin, I'm still your mother"

"Yet you have not been for the last seventeen years" I screamed back, I need answers "Did you even care how I was or after you got your new life with this traitor you forgot all about me"

"I have never forgotten about you Calvin" She sniffed holding Tenley closer "You have been on my heart but I had to choose between loving you and the twins. Life was not easy after your dad died, I had to choose and I knew you could fend for yourself"

"I was fourteen" I growled

"And I was pregnant" She screamed back "With nothing, your father was gone and I was left with nothing. I had nowhere to go and that man offered me everything I have right now, he offered a new life after I almost died in the fire"

"He killed your husband," I said with my voice barely a whisper but laced with betrayal

"He saved me"

"After he tried to kill you"

"Your father tried to kill me" Now that outburst took me by surprise. What? What is she talking about? Grizzly held the gun, he killed them all, and Simon "You didn't know your father, son, he might have been a great dad but he wasn't a great husband nor was he a great man"

"You're lying" I seethed

"Why would I lie?" how would I know, seventeen years is enough for someone to change plus she is in Grizzly's house "He treated me like an object, he never wanted me, he never cared for me and after I gave birth to you I became the doormat that he forgot about. I wanted to feel loved again, cared for and I found that from his best friend"

"You cheated on him" I was now fuming "You cheated-"

"Calvin" Tenley held me back but I pushed him off and he landed on his butt. I was so angry I wasn't thinking right, my intention wasn't to hurt him but touching me right now wasn't something I want.

"Don't you fuckin touch me" I screamed, his mom ran over to him "I don't-" I was fuming, I needed to be alone or I will end up doing something. So, I walked out without a word to any of them, I needed space, I needed air, I needed something I can not understand at this moment.

I skipped down the grand stairs storming to the door, I regret coming here. Accepting to come into the house, I shouldn't have come in, maybe I wouldn't have found out disturbing information "Calvin" Tenley called my name but I just stormed to the gates not turning back until he stood in front of me "Let us talk"

"You're the last person I want to talk to right now" I pushed him out of the way continuing my journey.

"But we have to talk, you can't escape what happened in there we need to"

"Didn't you hear what happened?" I snapped in anger "We are brothers, You. Are. My. Little. Brother. What else do you want us to talk about, get the fuck out of my face and go back to your mother" I pressed the button unlocking my car before jumping into the driver's seat and after giving Tenley one single look I drove away in anger?

Every revelation done today only increased my anger, her words. Everything she said, it all just pissed me off and I found myself stepping on the gas driving like a lunatic trying to forget each and everything.

'Your father was not a great man'

'He tried to kill me'

'I had to choose you or the twins'

"He left me with nothing'

'He's your brother, he's your brother, your younger brother. You've been fucking your brother, you've been fucking........' I stepped on the brakes so fast that the tires screeched as the car came to a stop.

"I fucked my brother"

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