Chapter 27

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Oz's POV

My eyes focused on the new plans for the renovations and the money it's gonna cost me since it doesn't have insurance. I couldn't do that as Grizzly was on my back and doing so much paperwork doesn't help me at all.

Al the expenses have to be three thousand dollars, to fix the storage room and the roof. It might take two weeks before it can start working again or even longer "Calvin" a small voice made me turn my head to Tenley. He walked like a zombie his eyes half-closed and he sat next to me laying his head on my lap.

"Still worked up?"

"Uh-huh" he added with a nod "What is this?" he looked at the renovation sketch that the engineer drew for me. After going to the police and getting the case closed I managed to talk to the engineer about the renovations and when they will begin "I can pay for the damages" he offered after figuring out what it was exactly.

"I got it covered"

"But I put you in that loss, the least I can do is pay for it"

"You already paid for it" I insinuated with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on Cal" he whined shaking my legs "That is a big loss, I can pay for it all. I feel so bad"

"You want to help" he nodded excitedly "Well how about you help the builders" his eyes widened and he gulped. Paying for things is all he knows but when it comes to the real work he can't-

"Is that a role play you're suggesting" Now it was my turn to be taken back coz, no it wasn't. I just thought of ways that he can pay me that didn't involve money "What will you be?"

"Tenley you were begging to pay me back, why-"

"Sue me for trying to make this fun. Pay you back while having some excitement out of it" he shook his shoulders now looking at me with his sweet beautiful eyes "What can you think of???" this kid is going to kill me, now look what he is starting.

"I will be the manager" I sighed out "And you're the porter" coz he clearly knows nothing concerning building and to keep my building from falling in after being built he should stay away from it.

"Oh Cal, always choosing the easy roles. You want to just be there overlooking the workers Nah" I smiled lightly.

"You told me to choose a role"

"Then let me choose for the both of us" I motioned with my hand for him to go ahead "We are both porters" my eyebrows creased together "Scared???" he challenged with the wiggling of his eyebrows

I laughed at the challenging look in his eyes "For an exhausted kid you are really challenging" a porter's job is not easy at all "What kind of role play will that be?" like we are both porters so??

"A fun, flirty session" I made an 'Oh' sound, that is what he is going for. Flirt all over the place, can't say I have done it before plus none of the people I have been with have ever suggested any of this or lived with me long enough to suggest it so.....

"Okay" I agreed, what is the worst that can happen? Flirt gets to fuck him at the end of the day, that doesn't sound so bad.

"The name is Charlie" Oh we are doing the names too. I held my hand out to him playing along "And don't say Oz, or Calvin or Storm" and I was going to say one of those.

I laughed taking my hand back "Why don't you choose for me then-"


"Do I look like an Alex?" the way it flowed from the tip of his tongue like he had been thinking about it made me curious.

"You look like a Calvin but I need your name to rhyme with mine" I laughed resting my head on my fingers looking at him. I have never met anyone like him, he is full of life and fun yet so daring, a new feeling.

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