Chapter 47

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Tenley's POV

"Hell no" Dash growled getting up but Mekhi pulled him down touching his thigh "I am not allowing this" I don't like Dash but I am on his side on this, leaving Paisley and Mekhi alone seems off when they have been flirting, and from what I heard from Oz they had been doing it for a long time on the internet.

So right now Paisley has come up with a plan of us going to attack mom and dad but her plan is for Oz to be on the roof. I and Dash go inside while she and Mekhi stay in the control van.  Dash is obviously not interested in leaving Paisley with Mekhi so he is not buying this idea at all "Are you worried I will steal your man, I even brought the tools" Paisley mocked pissing off the already pissed Dash.

"Dash can you just trust me"

"If you weren't flirting back," Dash said sitting back down and then making his voice low "I don't know what your playing at but I don't like this, it's pissing me off. I am trying to communicate like you said I should and I don't like this at all" He said reasonably, I didn't think he would be reasonable at all "I will not be going on this mission, I'm going to Louisa's" he picked up his jacket and walked out without saying another word.

The silence he left behind could be cut through with a knife and as if terrified Oz held me closer even if I was already on his lap "What are you doing?" Oz asked cutting through the silence

"Don't worry about it, let's continue-"

"He is trying to propose but he thinks Dash will say no so he is using me" Paisley threw the truth out as if it was nothing. My eyes widened, by pretending to be interested in someone else what kind of proposal is that

"Why do you think he will say no?" Oz asked

"I know him" Mekhi sighed passing his hands through his hair "If he doesn't get reminded of how it feels like to lose me he doesn't take the next step, I have to push him to it and by the time I propose he will punch me, kick me, fuck me then say yes" Wow and that... "If I leave him in his zone he will be like 'The fuck Mekhi, that is for those couples' but this it will work" he smirked as if he was already prepared for this

"And you used my sister? What if he kills her?"

"If he wanted her dead she would be right now, he never gives up if he is bent to kill someone" Then why isn't he killing her? I questioned in my head while looking at my sister. Why was she going along with this when she knows she can get killed in the end "Oh she wants someone"

"Who?" I perked up from that trying to move my neck from Oz who was busy breathing me in like I would disappear "You have a crush" I rolled my eyes at Oz who wasn't letting me move.

"Let's get back to the point here" She cleared her throat.

"Don't be shy, say it" Mekhi mocked earning a glare from her "Let's get back to the plan and now that Dash is gone I think the both of you should go in, Oz on the roof, and me here"

"It works for me" Oz mumbled into my neck, he was low key turning me on

"Me too but you need to stop that" I whispered the last part while trying to get out of his hands though he wanted the opposite he locked me there. I feel like it is because of what happened between us yesterday he feels like he was going to lose me

"I don't want to"

"So Oz" Mekhi called "What are your plans once you get the money"

"Don't know yet but I take ideas"

"We start our legacy" Oz stopped licking me and turned to Mekhi though didn't remove his hold on me "What do you think?"

"Don't you already have a position to fill"

"Blake has refused to step down, I need my own thing. I have it mapped out, come on let me show you" He fixed his eyes on the computer, Oz pecked my cheek two times then again and again as if he wasn't going two steps from me. I rolled my eyes with a smile as I got off his lap going over to Paisley who had her eyes on her phone. She had completely zoned out from our conversations and she only came back to reality when I sat next to her.

"Who is your crush?" her face turned bright red as she averted her eyes from me "Come on, I am your brother. I can be able to help you"

"You can't"


" doesn't matter"

"You helped me with Calvin, let me help you out please" I pleaded. If it wasn't for her I would have gone with my father's plan and lost Calvin for good. My eyes turned to him as he moved his hands all over Mekhi's computer as they discussed the business they wanted to create, obviously a mafia group. Pais pulled me up towards the balcony

"It was Mekhi in the beginning" So that was true "I liked him ever since we met face to face like he captivated me and for real I wanted him but he turned me down. We became kinda know, he is annoying but we would still flirt until he came up with the idea to make Dash jealous. I went on board with it trying to get as close as I can until..." She paused pulling out her phone showing me a picture of a girl "She's fifteen" she said through gritted teeth "So young"

"Isn't this-"

"Yes, Mekhi's sister plus she is straight" she hit her head lightly but then groaned "I am so unlucky, now I even have to avoid her any chance I get"

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine" She pushed a strand of her hair to the side "You know, the first time we met the first thing she said was 'Whoa, you're so tall' I laughed, she was like really cute but then she mumbled under her breath 'I thought when you live with tall people you're no longer surprised' Argh, she was killing me at that point" I smiled at her frustration yet felt sorry for her at the same time

"She has to feel like that since she is so fuckin short, her brother took all of the height"

"Yeah, she is so short" She has to be like five two "So is her boyfriend though they make a nice couple with me she would will never happen" She looked like she didn't want to talk about it anymore

"Don't worry, one day you will get someone" I comforted her while patting her back. "Have you met Louisa yet?" I changed the subject trying to distract her from it.

"Yes and she is interesting"

"Interesting?" that was the word for her, interesting? Is it bad or good?

"You will determine when you two meet. I really can't explain it" I nodded as we both glanced into the distance silence taking over, I just hope she is not like her brother "I think they will be waiting for us"

"You think so" she hummed "We will be ready for them too, Oz doesn't want to kill any of them"

"He thinks you will be mad at him, is he wrong?" I gave her one glance before turning back towards the sight in front of us.

"I don't know" Will I??

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