Chapter 28

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Tenley's POV

After having the best night of my life where I laughed harder than I have ever laughed in a long time. I didn't expect myself to laugh like I did, from absolutely nothing yet to something and laughing with someone who I really like. For the first time, I got to see a different side of Calvin, it felt even better

Basically, the entire night moved on just like that, with us laughing for no particular reason. Just joking around and chatting, it was a carefree night if I am being honest and I felt even more connected to him than before, we are both into this life because of nothing. Two people who once has ambitions but now have each other and see how fucked up and lonely life was.

Right now I am putting on my gear so that I could start working as a porter. My boots are on, I am wearing jean overalls with no shirt and a holster which has equipment that I bet I will not use so I don't need to know them in any way. After tying it up, I held the hat in my hands and walked outside where I found Calvin with the construction manager talking about something while pointing at the big hole on the roof and through the storage area.

"Hey, Alex" I called wrapping my hand around his neck, he shook his head with a smile trying his best to ignore me obviously I have become a disturbance that makes him smile even when he doesn't want to so I decided to make it hard for him "Want to spank me" the manager who I only know as Timothy chocked on his words and turned to me with shock and horror on his face.

Calvin, did his best to not laugh as he held his hand out to him "I'm sorry about my boyfriend, he doesn't know the time or the place" the guy shook his hand but was still giving me a weird look before walking away, Calvin chuckled turning to me with a look that asked 'Really?'

"He is homophobic," I said pointing

"Maybe he is shocked at what you have just said" I rolled my eyes not wanting to believe he is right "You young generations forget that old people like us used to keep things like that in the bedroom"

I scoffed harder than I have ever scoffed in the world "Then put yourself out, don't forget who put a vibrator in my ass for the day"

"And I think you need another one"

"Oh Alex" I moved back pulling on my gloves "It's time for work" I put on my hat and walked away but stopped turning back to him "I don't know what to do"

"Like I didn't know that" he led the way and made me follow him to the other side with the porters, he too wearing his gear, just jeans, boots, vest but no hat or gloves. Not so much of protection "Hey, I'm Oz"

"We already know you, boss, I'm ken and this is Dan" one guy introduced, he looked older than all of us and the other one was young probably in his mid-twenties.

"Nice to meet you both" they shook hands "I hope you don't mind if we give you guys a hand, my friend-"

"Boyfriend" I quickly corrected "Alex, am I not hot enough for you" He licked his lip as if thinking hard and I had to hold in my laugh.

"Of course you are baby-"

"Not gonna call me by my nickname my Stallion" I am driving him this time and he is completely lost, next time he should think twice before a role play. GIVE A DAMN SCRIPT now it's his turn to get lost 'Got you, Alex'

"Excuse me," he said to the two men and tried to pull me back but I stayed in place "Can I speak to you in private"

"Why? You want to hide me again. You don't even remember my nickname what kind of boyfriend are you" I started crying, fake crying he laughed nervously looking at the guys, he was trapped and I was loving it "You-"

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