Chapter 48

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Oz's POV

"I love you," I said kissing him once again, I am not getting enough that right now I can't focus on anything.

"Calvin" Tenley whined even though he was kissing me back "I love you too" he mumbled Then kissed me again and again until we started making out.

"Cut it out we are on time" Mekhi screamed in our earpieces making us jump though I was back to kissing him again "I will fuckin shoot you down if you two don't get your asses in position" I smiled kissing Tenley once more before making my way into position but not without giving him one last look. I don't want him out of my sight and I am glad I will be on the lookout for them.

I entered the building searching for my way to the roof with the help of Mekhi. Once I got up after knocking out two guys on my way I finally made it to the roof and set my rifle up positioning it to the building where Grizzly and Ruth have to be hiding "In position" I announced after searching the entire area seeing just three guards outside, I had no visual on the inside "I have one guard in my visual, Tainted windows on the lower floor, the upper floor is empty"

"Alright, knock, him out," Mekhi said as I glanced through the scope then pulled the trigger killing one guard "Alright, Tenley and Pais it's your turn"

"Be careful baby" I said through the earpiece already worried about what will happen once they get inside. Grizzly might end them without me having visual in.

"I will" He announced as they jumped over the fence to get in, I kept my eyes out just in case of anything but I was anxious. I felt like I should have been in the field with him just to make sure he was fine.

"Pais your left" Mekhi announced, And to her left was a guy sneaking up at them. My focus was on Tenley mostly so I didn't get a chance to spot anyone. They jumped through the window and I lost all sight of them from where I am.

"Can you see them?" I asked.

"No, I lost visual" Mekhi announced back "Tenley, anything inside"

"Still empty" He whispered back when I heard a gun being coached right before...

"Guns down, GUNS DOWN" Someone yelled at them and the worst part is I had no eyes inside. I couldn't see what was going on "Move, the both of you move"

"Mekhi, please tell me you see something"

"Fake!!" A voice boomed with a loud banging of the table "I almost died yesterday because you're so foolish. I thought you could do this one thing right. What was the use of you keeping me alive when I am going to be faced with such a disappointment" I clutched my fist wishing I was in there to punch that piece of shit? He doesn't know how much I wish he was dead.

"Yes, I asked myself the same thing" It was Paisley's voice "Why did he keep you alive only to be met by such a disappointment" I love this lady, I wish I told her that before she went in there "Just so you know, we were disappointed a long time ago"

"Calm down," Ruth said "Where is the real house?"

"Why would I tell you that?" Tenley said with a clear of his voice "We lied, I wanted to see your true colors and I did"

"We all want money sweetie and he was a ticket to getting it. All I see is you chose to betray your family so that you can stay with him and all for the money"

"Th-that is not true" Tenley stuttered out

"Baby, I know it's not true calm down" I decided to calm him, I can never believe a word of that bitch.

"You can only betray family because of money" I wish I shot this bitch even if I know I can't. They would rather kill their parents themselves because I will never get involved.

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