Chapter 49 Extra

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Oz's POV

"Did Dash happen?" I questioned mentioning Mekhi's bruised face through the rearview mirror. I was in the back seat with Tenley while Paisley was seated next to us with her hand clustered. She was doing better and it was a relief she wasn't going to die after a bullet she received from Ruth.

"Of course I happened, I am the only one allowed to do that"

"But you said yes" Tenley mocked "You did what he thought you would do"

"I never disappoint kid" Dash flashed him a smile however his ring was on his finger

"So how will the wedding be" Paisley interjected looking away from her phone for a second to remind us that she was actually in the car.

"Still working on that, I gotta heal first" Mekhi announced while entering a small village. Almost everyone came out of their houses to look at the car as it went through "How can this village look like this when they have a house filled with money. I'm telling you, a poor mind leads to poor life"

"Man I hope that money is in there, I'm tired of your old man giving us crumbs" Dash complained as we parked outside one house in particular.

"Is this it?" I questioned looking at the small beat down house "Man if this is it we made this trip for nothing coz we are going to leave here poor"

"This is your grandfather's house" Tenley informed us as we all stepped out. The villagers were now staring at us like we were tourists and I was starting to doubt this house full of money crap. No way all these people lived in poverty with money under their noses.

"Rodrigo" I turned after hearing my father's name "No is this Calvin- the-the" the old man looked ready to break as he could barely see "My grandson, I thought I will never see you. Blessed you came before I went completely blind"

"The blessing is all mine" I bowed a bit to show respect, it felt nice to be in front of family even if I didn't know him that well. The old man smiled showing his teeth that can't hold meat to save himself and I felt bad. My granddad was here all along and I knew nothing about it "Should we get you a seat"

"I am still a strong man as you see" he staggered on his stick not as strong as he claims "Your presence here serves a celebration but let us take a drink first" I turned to the guys, Dash looked irritated already. We were all tall that I felt like we were giants standing next to all these villagers

"Of course" I wanted to know my granddad. I thought we would be getting inside however the chairs and tables were brought out right away for all of us. The drinks were served as most of us asked for water "I hope you don't mind I came with the company, this is Mekhi, Dash, Paisley, and Tenley"

"The names nowadays" the old man laughed shaking his head "My old tongue would probably fall off just to pronounce them but I think I have been talking to a Ten-ley"

"Yes this one" Tenley raised his hand for a handshake, they held their hands firmly before letting go.

"Im assuming since you brought him here that everything worked out" my grandfather said making Tenley nod "Is she dead" Tenley gave another firm nod. He picked up his glass and took a big sip of water seeming to be deep in thoughts. I held onto his hand a gesture to remind him that I am here "They say beware of the enemies that come as friends, they dig the deepest wound"

The seemed to have a deeper meaning behind it"I think we should go to the house then we will come back and celebrate later" Dash nodded enthusiastically as if that was the only thing he was waiting for. The old man got up slowly and started leading us with other villagers, we passed through a small path between long trees. The more we got in the darker it became but once through there  stood a big bungalow so big it would not be expected in a village like this.

It was surrounded by trees so it was hard to spot, its color had already faded off. You would expect it to hold ghosts since it looked like it has been year's since anyone went in but if it held what I think it held then we are going to be fuckin rich. I was already excited by this "Here is where Rodrigo hid most of his cash" the gate to the house looks rusted and with one punch it could fall to the ground "Go on" I took a step forward but stopped.

"Why hasn't anyone taken it?"

"You will see just step there" he pointed to one step in particular and I felt my blood drain. I took a step and the sound the entire thing made as arrows and guns came out of rusted holes. Everyone stepped back and I thought I was going to die but then it all seized going back before the gate clicked open "It has never done that ever since Rodrigo died, now come in"

"That was creepy" No one minded Dash as we made it through the path and to the door, the old man picked out a key from his neck.

"Guess this is yours now" I took the key in my hands glancing back, Mekhi looked just anxious. Dash was overly excited and Tenley was just as nervous as I was. The rest of the villagers had stayed back.

"Thank you so much"

"Your father helped us a lot, it is our turn to repay him" he stepped aside. I pushed the key into the keyhole and as the locks clicked and the door opened I almost fainted.

"No fuckin way" Dash yelled running past us, I was still too shocked to even get out from the door and get inside. Piles and piles of money were stacked inside the house that was more of a warehouse inside.

"We all wish we had fathers like these" Mekhi whispered to me before joining Dash who was already going insane.

"Fathers that plan for their kids even after their deaths" Paisley whispered getting in too.

"Fathers that don't leave emotional baggage" Tenley whispered also going inside and I was left stunned.

"Come see this" Dash yelled, we all bolted out and found guns stacked up "Where did you buy your dad? This- this is a sign of one caring motherfucker"

"Good thing we are rich now coz we all have issues" I informed truly coz we indeed all have issues "Lets drink to this" the villagers were already ready for the party and money was pouring like rain through the city that had poor lighting. Our car did the job so well at providing enough light as we celebrated to this new arrangement between us all.

"So I propose a toast" Dash got up, he has been drinking but still kind of sober "My old man, he fucked me up but guess who is over it. We should all get over it because right now, we are motherfuckin rich and I am engaged... weird but who gives a fuck I am living the mother fuckin best life" the hollering went through the entire village.

"You know what" Tenley got up "Fathers suck, family suck but guess what. If blood is fake, water always keeps you satisfied" I smiled clapping my hands before pulling him into me.

"This is family" We all raised our glasses.....



Author's note

Well this is where we say goodbye to these two and I hope you liked the book and the ending.

Dash and Mekhi's extras will come but after some weeks off. It's where you will see the proposal and all...anyway I hope you all have a great day

Love you.

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