Chapter 34

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Tenley's POV

"Please pick up" I groaned when once again he didn't, he has denied me entry to his home, he doesn't pick up my phone calls and I don't even know why he is doing this to me.

"Sweetie" I turned to my mom, whom I hate. In all people she could have birthed she had to give birth to Calvin "Is he still not picking up" I shook my head with a groan "Maybe I should pay him a visit, we are all a family"

"Yeah" I sounded sad, I know we are family but it also sucks "I will go to bed now"

"Um, Tenley" I stopped walking turning to her "What relationship did you have with Calvin" She has not asked that question even if I know she has an idea of what we were.

"We had just become boyfriends" my stomach twisted in knots, talk about two-second boyfriends. That was the shortest relationship I have ever seen or ever been in, now we are brothers who don't even talk.

"That can't happen again you know that right" Sadly I do.

"Yeah, I'm still trying to process it" I replied honestly

"Has he ever forced you into anything?"

"What? Mom" I felt all the color leave my face "Why would you think such a thing, he would never" oh my God, he would never force me into anything I don't like. That is the man I came to know and love "Why would you think of something like that?"

"You're just eighteen, sweetie and he is in his thirties" she held my hands "At your age people are bound to take advantage-"

"He would never" I cut her off for even insinuating something like that. Yes our beginnings are not so great but I know he would never force me into anything

"I'm sorry for even insinuating this but" She laughed nervous while holding her forehead "I don't know him now, he might have changed from the boy I once knew"

"I don't know if he has changed from the boy you knew or not but I am telling you he is the kindest caring person I have ever met. Even if he had no one he came out great and I wish he can talk to me again" I held my head feeling so sad

"I let him down" She cried as she hugged me "I can't stand the idea that he hates me" I haven't even thought of that "I let you both down, you two were...and I feel like I-"

"It will be okay" I soothed, keeping my tears in letting her lay it all out. They need to talk and I am going to make that happen plus the more she talked the more I felt like I should stop seeing Calvin from that light and maybe try seeing him as a brother "You should go take some rest, tomorrow is another day"

"I love you son"

"I love you to mom" I pecked her cheek and she pulled her robe over her body before climbing back to her bedroom. I picked out my phone contemplating on calling Calvin, he has not been picking up my phones or answering the door when I go to see him.

He is completely ignoring me and it fuckin hurts, it's like he doesn't want me into his life yet it's times like these where we need each other more than ever. I sighed deciding to not call getting into my room to rest for the night as I wait for what will happen tomorrow.

I was in a deep slumber when I felt like someone was in my room. my eyes cracked open to find a figure standing next to my window, I gasped rolling off the bed taking a fighting stance when I finally got a clear view "Calvin" I gasped when I noticed who it was "What are you doing here?" he stayed leaning to the window without saying a word. I had to do a double-take and make sure I was being delirious and it was indeed him even if the room was dark.

"Calvin" I didn't think twice before moving and hugging him after getting over the shock that he is in my room. I didn't care about how he got in "I'm so glad you came" I felt the butterflies in my stomach when he hugged me back just like he used to. He held me like I missed being held by him, smelling his scent so close to mine like this. I found myself sniffing his shirt and he was doing the same to my skin his hands tightening a bit

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