Chapter 38

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Tenley's POV

I entered the club that is filled with people, so's not surprising for a club to be this filled but since it was the grand reopening after the bombing I guess it was kind of expected in one sense. I squeezed through all of them, getting mixed up with their sweaty bodies, and by the time I managed to go through them all I smelt like sweat and beer.

My face was scrunched up in disgust but when they fell onto Calvin who in turn gave me a bored look that made me gulp but didn't back down as I got closer to him. I knew he left for a reason and I had no right to come by but I needed to see him "Hi" I greeted when he didn't give me a second glance, I felt my mood turn sour but I swallowed up and decided to talk to him, we are not gonna pretend that none of this happened when in fact it all did "Calvin" I called trying to talk over the loud music "Can we talk?"

"What are you doing here Tenley?" he questioned while shaking his drink his eyes not on me but rather on his customers "Yeah, yeah I got it. Coming right up" He said to the guy who has approached the bar, I bit my lips seeing how busy he was. Maybe I should have come by in the morning when he wasn't but today is the day I got the courage to come talk to him when he disappeared without a word.

I wouldn't say disappear as I knew where he was all along but like he left without a word and I kind of felt like he needed space and all that is why I respected the boundary but then the space was killing me "Calvin" I called again, I am not willing to leave before I talk to him.

"Do you need a drink?" he questioned and him not looking at me really pissed and frustrated me at the same time.

"I want us to talk, can we talk?" This time I gritted out

"Can't you see that I am busy"

"I can see that but I want to talk to you" I persisted, he used to not be so busy when I was around why is he now plus why is he behind the counter when he has other workers that can do the job, he is not going to ignore me today no matter what "Let's talk"

"Tenley go home, we will talk when I am not busy"

"I miss you" I admitted, I didn't care who heard me or what. I needed to talk to him, his eye moved to me and held eye contact. The longest he has looked at me since I arrived and I felt like I could melt looking into his eyes "Can we talk please" I begged, this time he raised his hand and motioned towards someone I didn't care enough to see.

I only kept my eyes on him and when he stepped out of the counter and held my elbow leading me out I couldn't help the smile that was making its way to my lips as I bit them to stop myself. This was not the time to be happy because he didn't look so happy, the moment we reached out he let go of me and I suspected a scolding. His lips opened but I instead pulled him down and attached our lips, my hands held his neck firm as I bit his lower lip forcing him to open up for me yet he held my neck and pushed me back before I could deepen the kiss.

"I'm sorry" I knew I had to respect some boundaries but I couldn't help myself when I have been trying to respect them for the last three months while I took care of my dad. It still doesn't mean I am fine, I didn't get my dad back just to lose Calvin and the fact that he is my brother is killing me

"Why are you here??" He sounded bland and I know it might have been the fact that I kissed him.

"Right sorry, I just..." I passed my hands over my forehead with a big sigh "I just-wanted to see if you're fine and you know..." I didn't want to talk about the last time. He tried to kill my dad "I'm sorry But..." I groaned hating this "I miss you okay and-and I don't even know why we have not been seeing each other, why you suddenly moved back here and it's driving me nuts. It drives me nuts when you give me the silent treatment" I ranted angrily "I know we are brothers but the least we can do is talk and sorry for kissing you earlier" I added nervously unable to hold eye contact

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