Chapter 12

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Oz's POV

"Mekhi tell your boy to stop" I ordered, Dash has never known when to stop once he is pissed off. I didn't need Tenley dead, I just wanted to know what he is capable of and I have, there was no need to kick his ass up even more after the activities we have just had.

"Oh come on, he is having fun"

"I need that boy alive" he chuckled but I heard him put a stop on his man who did but then ended up getting Tenley out. Did he have to make him pass out just because of a stupid saying of never leaving the enemy awake or something, of course, Tenley was the enemy but still he was doing this because of his father and not on his own will, kids want to make their parents proud and tend to be willing to do just about anything, the least we can do is cut the kid some slack "Did he have to do that"

"It's his rule, he can't leave the enemy awake" it's so hard to work with these two. This was to show Tenley that he was indeed on the right track of using me and even though I expected the big Grizzly to show up this also wasn't that bad, we have now found out what he is capable of doing. Now we just need to know what can bring Grizzly out of his hiding, it's a good thing now I know what kind of enemy I am dealing with.

They might have left him down but he kicked their asses and I know they were surprised he could fight just like that, I was too but not so much, Grizzly would give his kids some self-defense mechanism "Well Oz, enjoy your boy" Mekhi taunted as they jumped into the car leaving him passed out on the ground.

I sighed watching him bleed out on the ground all alone. He was still in my coat with a now broken mask covering his face but he could get cold out there if no one gets him. I can't do it or it will seem suspicious. I picked up my phone and dialed Mekhi's phone telling him to call me and inform me about the attack. I need whoever listens to my phone calls and I am suspecting his sister to hear me so that she can go and get his brother before it's too late, I wouldn't want him to freeze out there. Mekhi called in a few minutes "We got attacked and right now we are relocating, we will call you when we find a new safe place" it's the only thing he said then cut off the phone. Well it's the only thing I needed but the least he could do is make it believable, I just hope it was enough for his sister to know that his brother is in trouble and needs to be saved.

I kept my eyes on Tenley, he hasn't moved a muscle ever since his face was stomped on and I am getting worried. That idiot might have killed him in his conquest of 'I don't leave the enemy awake'. Right when I was still stressing, wanting to know if he was okay or not my phone rang again and it was Mekhi but this time he called on my safe phone "Hey, I want to know" It was Dash's voice "Are you falling for this kid?"

"Don't be stupid" I replied passing my hand over my chin, the fuck is he talking about

"Then you won't mind if we go back, capture him, cut him up here and there until he tells us where his dad is"

"You're not to do any of that" I gritted my teeth, just the thought disgusted me, he is not at fault here. His father is, I may need Grizzly but I am not doing that "He is just a kid" I tried calmly this time, my eyes on my laptop screen

"I was just a kid too" Dash gritted his teeth too

"I used you, I didn't torture you like you're suggesting. Just leave the rest to me" I cut off the line when Paisley arrived at the scene as I had expected, she was listening to my calls. She ran over with her gun in hand calling out his brother's name frantically as she passed through the dead bodies scattering around. Through the calling, Tenley coughed awake yanking the smoke mask off his face taking in deep breaths staring into the night

"Ten, Ten are you okay?" She ran over helping him get up. I sighed leaning back now feeling relieved that he was alive.

"They are gone" Tenley gasped out

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