Chapter 39

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Oz's POV

I wiped the glass hard until it was squeaky clean that I can see my reflection through it yet kept on wiping with gritted teeth just hating everything for no damn reason. Not even the calm music in the background could control the rage in my heart, the worst part is that I was having a hard time blaming myself in the process.

It's kind of my fault, my failure to let go of the past and just accept the fact that Grizzly is alive and is with his 'lovely' family yet here I am with nothing. I always manage to end up with nothing, not even Tenley. Trying to make me un-hate his dad by smearing shit all over mine, that was a shitty move that I wouldn't want to think about

Yet I end up thinking about it because Now he is there dedicating his life to the man I want dead. Loving someone who loves the person you hate the most can be infuriating as well as irritating in some way. I want to kill Grizzly so bad yet at the same time, I don't want to be the person who ends someone that is deeply cared for by the man I love. Mekhi was right in that part, Dash didn't care because, to begin with, his father wasn't that person he held dear.

Maybe that is why he never takes anything containing family seriously and I can't wait to hear what they will find when they meet Louisa Wizard. Not someone to deal with and after dealing with Dash I knew the apple didn't fall far from the tree...a knock made me glance up as I finally rested the squeaky clean glass down wiping my hands as another knock came.

I glanced at the clock and it is almost six in the morning, who would be here at a time like this. Even drunks get a sleeping time. I walked over to the door and my eyes landed on someone I thought or hoped will never see again "Hi son" She greeted holding her gloved hands together looking like a queen waiting for her red carpet "Are you gonna allow me in?"

"What are you doing here?" She kept silent, I sighed stepping aside letting her in before locking the door "Will you tell me why you're here"

"Did you build this for me?" She pointed to what looked like a booth, it was small and not many would like it but she used to enjoy it.

"What are you doing here?" I didn't feel the need to explain any of that, I made the place for her as a remembrance of someone I cared for and loved deeply back when I thought she was dead. Now I don't even think I still need the place, she turned to me with a stunned face "Don't say anything" I cut her off not willing to get into the memories as I took a seat "What do you want?"

"It's nice what you did here" She ignored my questions as she took in the place even more "Replicating your father's place I know he-"

"What do you want?" I cut her off again, she sighed pulling off her gloves

"Grizzly is getting better" My eyes held a silent 'so?' if he is being taken care of then that is a probability "I want you to kill him" I raised my eyebrow so far I thought it would reach my hairline because what is she playing at, why would she want me to kill the hero that saved her when my dad became a monster.

"Why would I do that?"

"You and I know what he is capable of, if he remembers everything then things will soon go bad" Go bad? yes For me but not for her. She is his wife why would things go bad for her if he remembers everything

"What did you do?" I asked with a smile, if she came to me then things might not look good for her if Grizzly gets better.

"It's not what I did, it's what he will do to you" Is she seriously going to play that card.

"I will be ready for him" I have been running for my life... Wait that doesn't make sense. She said it-

"Do you want to get back into that life" She questioned holding onto the table "He will turn this place upside down in just a second, you will be on a run again-"

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