Chapter 44

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Oz's POV

Something didn't add up, Grizzly was shot in the head. I was there that day. I saw his body up close he was dead why was he standing a few feet away from me. Was it a ghost? I don't believe in those but what is there to believe in when he is in front of me yet he is supposed to be dead, he should be in a mortuary.

However, he is here looking better than a dead man should. He was holding a stick that he was leaning on with a bald head, his belly showing out of his shirt. He didn't look steady or even like the Grizzly I once knew but he looked better than the last time I saw him with a bullet hole.

"Dad" Someone called and I finally came back to my mind, Tenley came out from the kitchen with a bottle of water. I expected him to be shocked, scared, or even faint but instead, a smile appeared on his lips. His eyes moved to mine as he walked over to his dad and... hugged him "I missed you" He whispered loud enough for me to hear it.

Even if my head was fogged with uncertainty about what was happening I could still quite catch what they said. Tenley moved out of the hug, he pulled out a paper and handed it to his dad "Just like you wanted" Tenley added and Grizzly gave him a proud smile as his eyes moved from the paper to me again.

"Oz, Oz, Oz" The way he called my name just like in the past made my heart almost jump out of my chest "Guess keeping you alive served a purpose after all" He gushed taking a step back, I had no idea what he was talking about but my eyes moved towards Tenley with a quiet question of what was happening when the sound of heels caught my attention, this time Ruth entered the room with a wide smile.

Her smile was directed towards Grizzly who replied with his right before they both fell into each other's arms and kissed like nobody else was in the room. My eyes once again searched Tenley's and he had his eyes towards his parents staring at them with the kind of longing in his eyes like it was a sight he missed and was glad he could see again. I tried to move and take his hand but the two separated "Did he get it" Ruth asked while wiping lipstick from her husband's lips

"My boy got it" Grizzly gushed patting Tenley's shoulder before giving him a side hug.

"I guess we should kill him now" Ruth mumbled her words pointed at me. Tenley had a look of shock and that kind of calmed me down a bit that maybe he was shocked about this as I was even if that theory was hard to believe with the truth standing in front of me and his next words showed no other way

"That was not part of the plan" His eyes lifted towards me "He signed, isn't that what we wanted" Signed?? Signed what?

"Yes but that is the only reason why we left him alive, now we need him dead so that we have no one to go against us," Grizzly said limping with his stick towards me, my eyes stayed on Tenley who was doing everything to not look me in the eye.

"Tenley" I called finally getting my voice back "Wh-what is going on?" I stuttered already afraid of the answer even before I asked the question. Ruth's cackle made me turn toward her.

"You haven't told him" She inquired sarcastically, I didn't care I retracted my attention back to Tenley with a questioning gaze.

"I did what I had to do for my dad" I felt like my heart had stopped.

"And that is what a great son does" Grizzly gushed proudly "And I will do one great thing for you son and allow you to kill him yourself"

"What dad-"

"Or" Ruth cut Tenley off with a suggestive voice "We can let him live. We can never know if Rodrigo left any surprises and we might need him. We got the property but do you think it still recognizes you"

"You're right, we might need him as our way in," Grizzly said thoughtfully. I wanted to understand what was going on but a part of me just want to listen to Tenley. I don't care about these two but Tenley and I want him to explain.

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