Chapter 46

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Oz's POV

I am relieved, even if he can not see it on my face I am relieved to have heard what he was saying. No words could explain how heartbroken I felt inside, how lost I felt. We have been together for months but just thinking that he had double-crossed me felt like the deepest wound in my heart that no one could ever heal. I felt completely lost with the thought that once a game was always a game.

The fact that it was a lie, everything didn't matter right now just from hearing his words "Oz, please" he whispered bringing his face closer to me "I swear we didn't take anything, you signed a false-" I knotted my hands in his hair with my eyes still closed just watering, I have tried stopping it but it seems impossible.

I pulled him into me attaching our lips, my aching heart erupted in pleasure as I rolled pulling his upper body onto mine as I detached our lips instead engulfing him in a hug. I made sure to feel him as close as possible yet it felt not enough, I just wanted him closer than I could explain, and even if no eyes have refused to dry I was happy.

This is where I wanted him to be, I wanted him to stay this close. After the deep wound I has just felt hours ago he was healing it little by little just by staying in a hug. Once lost now I feel like everything was back, it was right here with me. I have always known how much I loved this kid but after experiencing that I have realized that he is my world, my everything "I found your grandfather" He broke the silence that had lingered between us for some time now. I was surprised by the fact that I have a grandfather but I wanted him close to me so I didn't react "He told me something"

"What did he tell you?"

"That my mom killed yours" My hands tightened around him and I rested my nose on his neck trying to fight off that feeling "I'm sorry"

"No it's not your fault" I only inhaled him wrapping my long legs around his body as my hands passed through his shirt trying to hold his skin, I needed to touch it, caress it in more ways than one.

"I know but I am still sorry...ah" he moaned "You're turning me on" I could already feel his half-hard dick on my thigh and mine on his. My hands passed through his pants and I grabbed his ass pushing him into me, he moaned while kissing my jaw "I want you in me so bad" he breathed out while climbing on top of me grinding his dick on mine.

I needed more, something. I needed something that I couldn't put my finger on so I pulled his shirt off and followed with his pants and boxers. He pulled my pants off while I shrugged out of my shirt and pulled him onto my body once again, our dicks met and I shuddered pulling him into a slow heated passionate kiss with my hands on his ass making sure he moves so that our dicks move against each other yet somehow I wasn't being filled from my hunger.

I flipped us around and I got between his legs laying on top of him trying to get into his skin which somehow seemed impossible. I didn't want sex, no, I didn't want to be inside of him but rather I needed something that I was going to search for. I continued caressing his body touching every knuckle of his body, I explored more than I have ever done and all with my hands and mouth.

Every touch felt like electricity passing through me, it was doing something intense to my own body. This is where I wanted to be, I wanted to taste, feel, touch grind every inch of his skin and I did that

I tasted his buds, his mouth his skin I traveled his chest, his back with him writhing below me while grinding onto his dick all hot "Aah, I'm close faster" he chocked out arching his body as I continued caressing him. I know by the end I would be able to draw a map of his body because at this point I have him memorized entirely yet I haven't moved to his lower part

"You're to come in my mouth" I ordered and continued tasting him.

His abs, I licked while sucking making him bruised before reaching his dick and taking him in. I passed my hands below his thighs making sure to hold them up while my hands searched his nipples pitching them as I started sucking his rode. He held onto my hands as I flicked and tugged harder making sure he feels the pain throughout his entire chest as I drove him to his climax.

For the first time, I wasn't looking him in the eyes. I had mine closed and just enjoyed what I was doing, I enjoyed sucking him tasting his precum on my tongue. It eased down the hunger I felt in me even if I still wanted to taste his load. He shivered shaking under me and I knew he was holding it in, I didn't want him to hold it. I wanted it in my mouth yet didn't want to detach my lips from his dick.

"Can I come please?" he begged with a strangled moan. I held both his nipples and yanked hard the pain made him shake as he shot his load into my mouth with a loud cry. I savored the taste before swallowing it whole making sure nothing spills and I felt like I could breathe as I let go of his dick moving up. I looked him in the eye, and he was still breathless "I love you" I whispered, I didn't like the feeling of this being a game, that feeling broke me "I love you it hurts" I pulled him into another hug as I laid to my sides.

I pulled his legs to wrap around my body so that there was no space left at all and he held me just the same "It started as a game but my love was never a game, I love you so much much and I would fight my mom and dad just to keep you safe"

"You don't need to fight anyone, just be with me for real"

"It is real" he pulled his head out of my neck "But if we don't kill them they will kill you"

"I am not killing your family and I don't want you to kill them for me" I was not risking ever losing him again, revenge was what brought me here, it's not going to make me lose him. Not now not ever.

"They are going to find out they don't have the real house and they are going to come back and try to get it. We need-" he tried to get out of the hug but I protested though he still managed to sit and get out of my hands "We need to find them and kill them"

"Or we can leave, I don't care about the money" I didn't know I had it.

"You will care if you knew how much it is" he mumbled scratching his head

"How much?"

"No one knows but it is in a house, a house filled with money. That is how much and my dad would do anything if it means getting that house" I sat up, a house.

"Why hasn't anyone robbed that shit"

"Not many know about it and they say it's pretty guarded. Your grandfather told me that you are physically needed in order to get that money but since my dad doesn't know about it he will take the fake contract that won't do him any good"

"Then I think I should get my house" Why the fuck have I been poor when I own that much, if it's real.

"We should kill my parents first"

"I can help you but I am not killing anyone" That is a promise, it's his family. If he is to kill them then he should go ahead and do it himself but me nope.

"Then help me out"

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