Chapter 3

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Tenley's POV

I went back home fuming, I thought he needed my dad. He had to get in that club and focus on me, and want to get close to me so that he can get some information from me, yet he went ahead, winked, and then completely ignored me like I didn't exist. Who the fuck does that "You need to calm down" Pais tried holding me but right now I am too angry for that.

"You saw what he did"

"And you ruined everything because of your impatience" that got me to calm down as I sat down, I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have pushed them but I was so mad, he was supposed to be on me yet he was there with his tongue down that boy's throat, I couldn't stand there and watch as he played with my plan because of his stupid attractions "Calm down it will all work out"

"How? I am not his type maybe we would have gotten someone else, someone feminine for him to swoon over" like a fuckin wanker

"He is interested in our family, we both know that wouldn't have worked" I held my head feeling like I need to pull it off, this had to work. I need to get close to him and get where Dash is so I can end him plus Oz needs something from me why isn't he pursuing me.

Maybe I miscalculated something but what would that be, for all I know about him is that he has been after my dad for years and he can do just anything to get him but why did he act like he didn't need me yet he needs to get through me to her to Grizzly. He is confusing me, I am his way to knowing where my dad is, he should need me more than I need him "Just cool off, we will think of something else"

"What will we think about Pais" I snapped getting up again "It's either this or nothing, they are no longer in Wealstone. We need Oz to get us to them yet he... This is fucked up, so fucked up" I am so pissed to think clearly at this point. I need rest, anything to get my head off of how much of a fail this night has been. After all the wait for this to work, it just flopped just like that. I walked back upstairs and into my bedroom slumping down my eyes on the ceiling trying to not think so hard but I couldn't.

I couldn't when I knew that my dad is in a few rooms from me and I don't even know if he will wake up or not. At this point everyone keeps saying he is dead, I know he isn't, he will wake up again and be here, maybe he will be here, maybe he will be the man I once knew who used to care about us 'Do I have issues with my dad' I don't think I do. Yes he was a great dad ever since I was so young to the age of ten where he became a little distant and absent from our lives than usual

It started slow, he would leave for more than three months but would always call when he got time, then the phone calls ended altogether and we would spend years without seeing him and that was precisely five years. When he came back he had been shot in the head, the doctors said they brought him back so we could say goodbye but I couldn't, I couldn't let them kill him, he was my dad. We couldn't lose hope...Dash has to pay. I wiped my eyes getting off the bed trying to collect myself once again.

If it's the end of this plan it's definitely not the end of everything. I will get some other way to get Dash, I just didn't need to give up. Too bad Mekhi covers all of their tracks, I can hardly spot them anywhere, our only option is Oz but that is no more. My head was thinking so hard the entire night, how can I find out where they are exactly, I needed to know how I could get to them before they get back into Wealstone where they will be more protected, I needed them dead. My entire night was stressful and when I woke up in the morning I was seated on the couch with pain in my neck as a result of my poor sleeping postures.

I stretched walking into the bathroom relieving myself before brushing my teeth and throwing on my jogging clothes with my smartwatch and headsets. I was already late for my morning jog by five minutes, I ran through the quiet house as nobody wakes up at this time most especially when mom wasn't around. I think she will be back very soon, I make sure to hide all of this from her, she wouldn't allow us to get ourselves in danger. I passed through the gate, pushing my headsets up letting my music be my company as always on these runs. Nothing slow and nothing too fast, just something to give me a pace and entertainment enough to get me out of my head as I run.

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