Chapter 6

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Oz's POV

Well I think I taught him some kind of lesson, we might still be a set behind some rules but I think he will do great. I was overwhelming him a bit and I knew it which isn't something I do quite often. I like getting to know someone then setting boundaries and going on like that but he kept on pushing my buttons plus I needed to remember the real reason why I was doing this in the first place. He isn't a love interest but rather someone I need to get to someone, which means I need to have him where I need him so that he will be quick enough to spill all of his secrets to me, just a little bit longer and I will be close to what brought me here.

I took a glass of wine taking a seat on my couch all my attention on the picture of my family and the reason why I was doing all of this "Cheers" I gulped down the glass and took off the picture not wanting to dwell into the memories as I got into Tenley's journal reading through it, I have read it so many times and I tried to memorize it from A to Z trying to see how I could trap him in my arms by doing this however thinking about it I shouldn't do something he expects.

I should do something he doesn't expect, something somehow in here but rather not here. I feel like this journal was to direct me on how to get him the way I wanted him. I picked up my phone dialing his number keeping my eyes on the 'Erotic journal' when he picked up "Hello" just from his voice I knew what he had been doing. My eyes moved to the clock and it was eleven pm, it took him three hours to finally touch himself even if I specifically told him not to do it.

"You're touching yourself" I voiced out calmly as I leaned back listening to his quick breathing. I smiled knowing I threw panic in his heart now he didn't know what to do.

"Are you spying on me?"

"And why would I do that?" I heard things fall with him cursing, the pulling of curtains, does he think I am spying on him through the window just to catch him jerking off. I don't need to see him, to know what he has been doing. I can just know he did it whether I was there or not, my timing was just right I caught him in the act so he has no way of denying it.

"Why wouldn't you?" That made me stop 'why wouldn't I?' what did he mean by that. Do I seem like someone who would be spying on someone, yes I do that and I have been doing that to his family but definitely not in the perverted kind of way, in the 'I want to know your secrets kind of way.

"Tenley what's going on.....oh your penis is out" a lady's voice, definitely his sister. Her voice was softer yet almost exactly like Tenley's though he is deep.

"Pais get out"

"I heard things crushing are you-"

"Get out" he growled at her, I don't know what happened but I heard a door banging and a long sigh from Tenley

"Did you get to come?"

"No" he sounded like a big baby, not the one who has just growled at his sister.

"So you risked getting punished to come but then didn't" I laughed, that is some bad luck.

"I was close then you called, you ruined it so I don't get punished" Was he bargaining with me on this.

"I told you not to touch yourself, be glad you didn't get to come because if you did you wouldn't have been able to come for a week" I listened closely to his slow breathing before continuing "I am going to send you my address, be here at noon sharp. Be late and you get a double punishment" I cut off the line then sent my address to him though I couldn't shake off what he said 'why wouldn't you?' does he by any chance know something I don't.

He sounded so sure I would spy on him, he met me at the club why would he sound sure plus something seems like a miss. He approached me to begin with, for someone shy and terrified of men like in his journal he got the balls to do that, Knock me down then talk to me like that like he knew what he wanted and was going after it. I might be seeing so much from one sentence but these might be Grizzly's kids I am dealing with, they might be as good as their father and I might be digging my own grave if I don't suspect every single miss.

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