Chapter 19

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Tenley's POV

The more my heart thumped hard against my chest the more I felt like I was going to pass out. This was crazy, I didn't know how scary it was until we unlocked the door to his playroom "Kneel on the bed facing the wall" he ordered as soon as we got inside. I turned to him and he was gone while I moved through all of the tools wondering which one we will be using tonight. I shouldn't be greedy and want it all as it is my first time and I am shaking like crazy.

After reaching the Queen-sized bed. I climbed onto the cream silk sheets and knelt just like he said facing the wall, my heart felt like it would fall out of my chest from both excitement and the feeling of not knowing what will happen next. I guess that is why my dick is so hard, I have always wanted a mystery and this feels like one, not knowing how my body will be played with is a turn-on, a scary one but a turn-on overall.

The door opened, I felt stiff all of the sudden terrified of what will happen next and now I know I wouldn't have been ready last time. I shook it off since I trust him, it's not a just plaything he likes me. We are over the games, it's just us- his hold on my shoulder proved me wrong because I gasped almost jumping off the bed "Always remember you're with me" he whispered in my ear "Anytime you want to stop, one word can end it all"

I gulped "Can I see your face?" he turned my head and accepted my request. He gave me a warm smile pecking my lips and all the self-doubt escaped my mind "I'm ready" I turned my head back facing the wall. He took both my hands in front of my body and bound them together with leather cuffs.

"We won't be using ropes today since it's your first time" he mumbled as he cuffed my hands in front of me. I might want this but it's my first time and I also shouldn't expect myself to be able to handle so much. Suddenly my hands were yanked above my head and got connected to a hook that was connected to the ceiling, which was not there when I walked in or I just missed it.

I trembled trying to look behind when suddenly the hook started stretching me until I couldn't lean to my heels "Your legs should be wide" I pulled them wider apart and I felt like my stomach was being invaded by butterflies, his footsteps didn't do anything to take away the anticipation I had in me. His feet came back closer to the bed "Push your ass up" I did, he held onto my back then felt something push into my hole.

It didn't find much resistance though it felt much larger than the first one I had in there. After pushing it in he moved back and I straightened once again now feeling full and a bit uncomfortable like I felt when I put in the first plug. To even fit a four felt like I was being tortured and I felt like there was no way I could take something bigger, like that place is so small "You look so sexy right now my little prince" His voice made my face burn and my self-confidence hit the roof.

"Thank you, daddy"

"Your welcome" He held my jaw while his other hand traced my skin "Are you ready to be played with...for me to do anything I want to your body" I moaned while saying yes when I felt tails touching my skin, passing a little bit lightly making me shiver. It passed on my shoulder and it was a flogger with black and red tails "Don't forget to count" barely after his words were out a hit landed on my ass, it was by hand but damn

"One" my ass was in the air waiting for another strong hit and when it landed strongly I moaned louder this time he used the flogger "Two oh, oh, thank you daddy" I swallowed hard. Another one landed on my thighs and it was hard enough to sting, the pain was more intense when he hit three consistent times even before I could count "three, four five" I added them and I wonder how I even remembered them, the harder they landed the better and when added at once I felt like I wanted to come. It was the best feeling, I feel like my body was being awakened up by strong feelings.

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