Chapter 22

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Tenley's POV

"Tenley give me one reason why you're in Revensbull" Paisley scolded as soon as I picked up but her voice was so loud for my liking.

"What is with the screaming, do you want to make me deaf" 'For your information, I still want to hear Calvin's voice' I added that in my head. I don't know why I feel so okay with the name Calvin than Oz, it might be the fact that I am the only one that knows the name. It made me feel special somehow that I no longer want to call him Oz, come to think of it it's a stupid name.

"Sorry, got worried that he might have done something to you" her voice has now lost the anger which made me calm down too

"We are good" Better, if you come to think of it I am doing great. We like each other, we have just arrived in Revensbull a little over an hour ago. We found the police still at the scene investigating, I tried to help though Calvin told me to stay in the car.

I argued with that obviously because I was here for him. I know he is strong but still, I want him to know that he isn't alone, however, at last, I decided to stay in the car because no matter how I want to be here for him I also don't want to pry into his business or overstep. He seemed so affected by the club and not just because of the damages but because two people died and something else, the place might hold a sensitive value to him somehow I still don't know since he hasn't talked to me about it.

"Good to hear that" she sighed "Plus now you have to keep an eye out when Dash and Mekhi come into Revensbull"

"Why would they come here?"

"I bombed Oz's club, it will get him to try and get his friends to co-"

"You did what!!!!?" my growl was loud enough to turn heads even with a loud background, that's how loud I was or should I say shocked coz what the fuck.

"Now you have destroyed my eardrums"

"Pais" I called sternly "You did what?" I need to confirm I heard that right because it's impossible. We didn't even know he owned a club how can she blow it up.

"After you left last night" I made sure to get away from anyone who can hear me "Reymond called with the news about Oz" Reymond was the guy we got to check and find out about everything concerning Oz and why he was in search for our father but I already found that out last night we don't need him, "He told me about the club in Revensbull so I sent our men to blow it up, now I know his friends would-be there soon-"

"Pais why would you do that" I scolded "He- you killed two people"

"What? No, they bombed the storage area"

"At night, in a club that has drunken people what did you expect Pais why didn't you call me before ordering such an act"

"I didn't know anyone was going to die" She sounded like she was crying and now I felt bad for scolding her like that.

"Pais oh my god" I squat down, I heard her sobbing on the other side and I knew she was blaming herself for this.

"Ten, I promise I-I......" She cried even harder without finishing her words "What did I do? Who-who died please tell me they didn't die please"

"They are dead Pais" I wasn't gonna lie to her, we arrived when the bodies had already been transferred to the mortuary and I didn't get a chance to see them though I heard they were two guys, workers at the club. We killed two people because of the stupid revenge, just because we want to kill Dash we ended up killing some random workers, this is my fault.

If I didn't get her into this, she wouldn't have gotten involved and she wouldn't have taken this kind of measure "But it will be okay, I will figure out something" I tried comforting her.

"I killed two people Ten, they lost their lives"

"You didn't kill them, the guys you sent just...." I tried to comfort her and make her feel like she didn't kill them somehow, but we all know the sender is the murderer more than the doer coz if the sender didn't send them no murder would have taken place.

"I have to give myself up"

"Don't you fuckin dare Pais" I hissed "And don't you dare step foot in Revensbull? We should let the police do their jobs we just have to make sure that this entire thing is not traced back to you"

"Tenley" I snapped my head towards Calvin and my heart almost left my chest. How long has he been there, did he hear what I said. If he didn't how will he react when he finds out that we blew his club and killed his workers "You look like you have seen a ghost, is everything okay baby"

"He is there with you?" Paris whispered as if Calvin can hear her through the phone "Getaway, if he finds out I blew his club he is going to murder you, it was his father's" my skin paled, my eyes were on Calvin and I could barely function. I felt like I wanted the ground to swallow me all.

We blew up something that was left to him by his father after he told me his story. How will he see me now, he will think I was still playing him yet he had given up the game. I gave up the game last night but how is he going to believe me after this.

"Tenley" they both called me at the same time, I blinked coming back to life, and I didn't know who to focus on.

"Pais talk to you later" I hung up before she can add anything as I stood up breathing in and out to calm my beating heart. I plastered a fake smile "Um, is everything done?" I decided to ask before he can question me and my weird behavior.

"Not really though the police are gone we'll some of them" he replied still with a skeptical face "We were told to not renovate anything until further investigation, there is nothing to do now" he leaned onto the car.

"Sorry" I whispered and I meant that from the bottom of my heart. We got him into this mess "Did they give any update on how it occurred or who did it"

"Nothing, no fingerprints or anything" I sighed inwardly, I don't want the guys to get caught. If they do get caught they might involve Pais which I don't want "Are you okay, you seem.....stiff"

I chuckled nervously while leaning onto the car mimicking his stance "Yeah, all of this is too much you know" I licked my lips playing with my fingers "People dying just....." I motioned with my hands while taking in a deep breath "Overwhelm me and after what happened to my dad I-" He held his hand over my lips while shaking his head.

"Don't say anything else" Why? I just wanted to tell him about my dad maybe that would be compensation for what we ruined. It would make me feel better if at least he knows where the man that ruined his life is, I would seem less of a bad guy.

"But you need to know, he-" he kissed me this time once again cutting me off.

"I'm already having a bad day, I don't want to hear anything okay"

"But it might make you feel better if you know where he is" I explained, please just let me tell you. I just need to show him I didn't lie last night, if I give him what he has been searching for then he will be sure that the game is over.

"It won't" it was the only thing he said before stepping back making me confused, why won't it make him happy. He will finally get to meet my dad and kill him, I held my hand over my chest feeling anguish in my heart, I don't want him to end my dad even if he is considered dead by many but I still have hope and I want to see him with his eyes open one day.

I feel like I have to choose right now, it's either Calvin or him. I don't want to choose but how will Calvin believe we didn't do this by accident if I don't inform him of it "We should see the city" suddenly his voice rung, he had a tiny smile on his lips "Let me show you my city and not let this trip flop just like that"

I had a lot on my mind but if I am going to tell him the truth that might get us hating each other again, I might as well have some fun before everything goes down the hill.

So I smiled and this time genuinely "That would be great" he pecked my lips lightly.

"Then let's go" he opened the door for me a gesture that surprised me but didn't dwell on it as I got inside pulling out my phone texting Pais informing her that everything is alright and we have nothing to worry about. I turned to Calvin who was buckling up his seat belt and I smiled.

Everything is okay, at least for now.

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