Chapter 45

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Tenley's POV

"Hey, wake up" A soft voice called while lightly shaking my shoulder, I groaned awake feeling like my head would explode "You good?" I looked around trying to remember what took place and staring into an empty cell brought back everything that went down before I was knocked out by Dash.

The look of pure hurt on Oz's face made my heart clutch that I found it hard to breathe. He hates me, for what I did. This wasn't meant to be like this "Breathe" Paisley held both sides of my face and tried calming me down.

"He hates me, I need to explain" I wheeze out shrugging out of her hands holding onto the bars and pulling myself to my feet. I need to find out where he is and talk to him, I need to explain this entire thing to him.

"But mom and dad-"

"No, I don't care. I need to explain this-"

"Tenley we have come this far, let us finish it first. You will get the chance to explain-"

"This is your fault" I screamed at her, "You told me not to tell him and now he thinks I played him-"

"But didn't you play him"

"We played him" I emphasized WE because we were in this together not just me.

"It was your plan"

"I KNOW" I screamed holding onto the bars "But I was going to tell him but I was hurt, I was hurt he had shot my fake dad. I felt angry and betrayed by him until I found out dad had planned another killer" This entire thing wasn't my plan, the beginning was my dad's plan and when he told me about it I felt loved, he included be into something until all that facade disappeared and I got to see the real him "I need to talk to him"

"I know where they are but the time we waste is the time mom and dad get to find out what we did"

"I don't care plus I can't face them when I am a mess" I don't feel like facing anyone after Oz just told me that I should have used a knife. I hurt him, I know because these last few days I felt even closer than I had ever been with him. He opened up at a time when I was angry and he managed to make me trust him, even if the wedding was fake I wanted to marry him though not in these circumstances.

"Okay" Pais led the way and I followed while wiping the back of my head with a shirt. It throbbed but I know it will stop as I will not be doing anything about it until I know Oz isn't thinking the worst of me. As we got back upstairs the place was a mess, filled with bullets holes and dead bodies.

"Did they know I was knocked out in the basement before they left?" I asked as I got into the car.

"Probably but they just don't care" Pais might have had low expectations from them so there was a little disappointment but not to me. For me, I have high expectations for when dad regained his real self but got crushed when the first thing he wanted was the money Oz had in his possession.

At first, I thought it was true that Calvin had lied to me about losing everything because the money dad was talking about was a lot yet I thought Calvin only owned a club but the look he gave me when we were in the basement confirmed all of my father's lies. After being in the coma he finally came back and proved me wrong then proved everyone else right.

Everyone saw him as the bad guy yet I saw him as a good one until everything was crushed under the rug like dirt. He didn't care for us, he cared for mom just because they had the same ambitions, and the fact that mom stayed in the same boat as her husband was more shocking. I had a certain picture of who she is in my head that when I found out their plans I couldn't believe my ears "This is it" I glanced to where we are and it was an apartment building.

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