Chapter 21

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Oz's POV

"Daddy" a whisper in my ear made my dick stir up and the body on top of me didn't help either "Daddy" I opened my eyes slowly to find Tenley on top of me "Daddy" he whispered once again his face so close to mine with a wide smile "Morning"

He pecked my lips with me trying to take him in, he was wearing a shirt, my shirt. His thighs were as red as we left them yesterday night and that got me licking my lips "I made you something" he lifted a plate from the aide showing it to me "Do you want to have a taste" I didn't get to see what was on the plate as it was held above my face

"I would want to taste a lot but don't you think you need to get off me first" he glanced down as if he didn't know he was sitting on me then made a fake sorry face with a laugh. It made me smile while shaking my head as he got off me, I pushed myself up with a stretch waking my bones up as my eyes moved to the clock, almost noon, I really did sleep in.

I turned my head and he was right next to my shoulder, so close I almost elbowed him but he seemed like he didn't mind "Hey" he whispered shyly staring into my eye, did I miss something here.

"Hey?" I greatest back "Did I miss something?" he is acting weird.

"Nope" he smiled shaking his head. Yeah, there was something I missed but I decided to let it go as I got off the bed.

"Let me clean up and I will come and enjoy....." My eyes finally caught the plate tray of food "You made that?" I asked a smile lingering on my lips, he made waffles with strawberries, next to it is a raspberry cake that looks delicious that I wanted to dig in and feel on my tongue.

"Yeah" he smiled biting his lip.

"Why?" Never had anyone make breakfast for me, well after the tragedy happened. I always do everything for myself, as much as this is a small gesture it is kind of big to me.

"To thank you" he crawled onto the bed a gesture I found hot and the more he got closer the more I wanted to do more than just eat "For last night, it was yes" he laughed kneeling in the bed wrapping his hands around my neck as I did the same around his waist


"Yes," he replied with a laugh "How do you describe a night like that except yes. I-I feel like...." he gulped using his hand as he tried to make a point "After last night I, don't know.....I'm alive. You know the feeling of being in a foreign country for years and years and then you finally step back into your home town, get to see your parents, and hug them. Get into your old stuff that hasn't changed at all. You can feel the air around you has changed, like something you have yet have never experienced has come back to you and you're just like yes...finally!"

I'm following...I think but I let him continue "When we were in that room I was scared, it was foreign to me but you not only made it home but you made it something more" he licked his lips completely out of breathe making me laugh.

"You need to slow down and breathe"

"I feel like my heart is going to fall out, I can still feel last night and I am floating" he took in a deep breath with tears in his eyes "And-and" I decided to kiss him and save him from his loss of words, he will probably blubber on without making sense. I was still trying to understand what exactly it was he was trying to say and if I am honest I think I know what he was trying to say exactly, I feel like it's too early to be saying shit like that and we should let it stay there.

I kept the kiss slow not trying to get him breathless again. I kept it short pulling away looking him on the face, he still had his eyes closed and some tears had fallen out as he licked his lips "Are you going to be my home?" he sounded hopeful as he opened his wet eyes

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