Chapter 35

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I didn't want to talk to her, I have not been ignoring her for weeks just for nothing I just don't think I am ready to hear her bad mouth my dad like that. She opened a certain door and made me go in first before she entered closing the door behind us "What do you think you're doing?" She snapped holding her hands over her chest completely pissed off.

"Well how are you too mom"

"Sitting on top of your brother like that" She scolded as if I am a kid. My gaze on her was not happy, we shouldn't be talking about what goes on with me and her son "I expected better from you Calvin, this is the last thing I expected. I expect that from his age but you, you're a grown man, you shouldn't have dated an eighteen-year-old, to begin with"

"You didn't call me here to talk" And I wasn't gonna waste my time being scolded by her, I feel like she lost that right years ago

"I don't care what you do, you can go through the world as you want but get my kid out of it. This is how you corrupted Simon"

"Corrupted Simon?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, I needed to know what that means.

"Yes, you made him believe he was in love with you. And throughout his coming out speech, all he could talk about was you, how you touched him, caressed him yet you two were meant to be brothers and right now I am not going to stand by and watch as you do the same to my son. He is your brother for goodness' sake you were both raised by my belly for nine months why would you do such a thing, don't you feel a little shameful for what you did"

"Maybe you should introduce your kids to each other and avoid this mishap" I said nonchalantly even if I still feel bad for it all, I still want to fuck him if that helps and the corrupting Simon thing, I don't know what sgd is talking about.

"You shouldn't have slept with him, to begin with"

"The fuck do you want me to do" I screamed at her "To un-sleep with him, unfuck him. It's your fuckin fault since you went ahead and not only changed your name but your entire face and body to look like a northern twenty-two barbie-" I cut myself off when she started sobbing.

"You don't get to judge my life, Calvin" She took a sit "You don't know how I felt, your father made me feel ugly and I have been through so much to get here"

"Was it all bad?" I asked this time calm, anger won't get us anywhere.

"No" she cracked a sad smile "When you were born it was great, he cared. Brought me flowers every day, he was so nice and whenever he wasn't busy we would go on family day outs and those are the moments I will never forget. I know you remember the picnics" I nodded as she smiled "Times when we were both the light in his eyes until I faded and you became the light not like I hated that but-"

She took in a deep breath "Times were dark, Derek was there. He saw my pain and the more your father ignored me the more I found comfort in Derek's embrace. With time I fell for him and by accident, I got pregnant with the twins. I and your father had not slept together in a long time. I knew he would know that the kid I had was not his. We planned to run away but one of his men found out and the next thing I remember was when he came in and kicked me"

I internally winced, kick a pregnant woman

"That was when Derek arrived and he saved me by shooting your dad. I was passed out by then, I didn't see or hear what went down but he didn't mean to kill his son. He got startled when you two walked in and he just shot, he had just killed his best friend he was in shock. He had to cover everything up by creating a fire so we can run without being discovered by your dad's men, I almost lost the twins on that night"

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