Chapter 36

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Tenley's  POV

We both got off the bed and with shame put back our clothes. I didn't even want to look at him feeling so ashamed all the confidence I had disappeared in one go "We don't talk about this again" I said seriously when another bullet came and just like rain they started pouring "what is going on?"

I tried going to the door though Calvin caught my hand pulling me back when it burst open "Tenley?" Pais came running in "I'm so glad you're okay" she hugged me tightly.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"They are outside" she explained then gasped when she saw Calvin standing not so far away. Her eyes moved between the two of us then the mattress.

"It's not what it looks like" I defended, what is with me and this sentence. Of course, it is what it looks like.

"That is a statement used when it is what it looks like" she replied "But right now we are being attacked and whatever you two have been doing is the least of everyone's worries" She is right, where the hell is mom

"Mom" I yelled running to the door, I heard them running after me as I ran to the other side of the house to her room. I found some workers looking terrified and nurses "Go into dad's room" I ordered as we continued...We found mom on her way to get us with a gun in hand.

"Tenley, Paisley I'm so glad you're both fine" She hugged us both with her trembling body.

"You guys should find somewhere safe, I will go see what I can do-"

"Don't you dare suggest any of that Calvin" mom cut him off and I was glad coz if she didn't then I would have  "We are a family, we stick together no separation" the front door burst open, and in walked someone who started raining bullets all over the roof? We had to fall and avoid any bullets

"Tenley Huxley, get the fuck out here"

"Dash" I called clenching my fists and before anyone could stop me I got the gun out of mom's hands and ran downstairs. They kept on calling me but I just ran down the stairs "Looking for me asshole" I asked pointing the gun to him when Mekhi walked in too "Hi Mekhi, I see you didn't miss the party"

"How can one walk without his head," Mekhi said with a smirk but was elbowed in the guts by Dash

"The next will hit your nuts and I will use a gun" Dash threatened with a glare at Mekhi who raised his hands in surrender "We heard your daddy is on the bed.....what is it called babe. Is it a coma coz like his head is fucked" Dash asked the last part staring at Mekhi

"I think it's a coma babe, nice shot by the way" Mekhi praised "You never shoot the head but with Grizzly you shot the head"

"Guys stop it" Calvin appeared next to me with Pais who didn't look pleased with mom right next to them "Why did you come here like this?"

Dash put his big gun on his shoulder as Mekhi spoke "We need proof of Grizzly as potato, we are not trusting your words"

"Don't call him that" I gritted out ready to shoot them both but first I needed a rematch. I rested my gun down "I want to kick your ass Dash" I stepped in front.

He laughed "Never backed out of a challenge, hold this for me babe" He handed the gun to Mekhi

"I want to fight you" Pais too challenged pointing at Mekhi.

"Don't worry princess, I can handle the both of you" Dash said mockingly smirking at my sister, who does he think he is.

"Don't worry Dash, my brother can handle you on his own. I want pretty boy over there" Dash burst out laughing with Mekhi fuming ticked off "What do you say pretty boy or are you scared?" Mekhi's face made me want to laugh too

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