Chapter 24

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Tenley's POV

"Hello-Hello Mr. Henry" I called frantically like I expected him to not pick up, well of course I expected him to not pick up as he is still in the hospital but this is urgent.

"Mr. Hurxley is everything well?" His concerned voice asked I bet I sound like a broken record from all the crying I did earlier when I watched Calvin drive away from me with that look of pure disbelief and anger mixed with regret that broke me even more.

"I'm okay" Not like I was before finding out about what Paisley did but I'm hanging in there. "I need a favor"

"Anything Mr. Hurxley"

"You know you can call me Tenley but anyway" it's not like it's the first time telling him that "I was wondering if you could call the Revensbull chief and maybe get him to throw the case of cloud bar," I asked nervously.

"What is the case again?"

"Um, Cloud bar was blown up last night. It was just the storage area, two people died. It is my friend's bar and as the investigation is going on he is not being allowed to renovate it. I was wondering if you could maybe talk to the chief or something" My words were followed by silence.

"Do you want the case to keep going or should it be stopped?" I thought hard, I don't need an investigation done at all.

"I need the case buried" Pais can't be caught up in any of this.

"I will see what I can do Mr. Hurxley"

"Can you....." I cut myself off not wanting to put pressure on him but then decided otherwise, I need this done, and quickly "Can you get to it now, I want everything cleared and done by tomorrow"

"Sir, it will cost a lot of money if we show the-"

"Use any amount as long as it is buried by tomorrow"

"Sir my suggestion was we first get to know the case and who is involved before we try to bury it so to be safe if anything comes up in the future, if we rush we might leave loose ends-"

"I did it and I want it buried" I gritted my teeth. I don't need anything dug into I just need the case to be closed by tomorrow.

"It's done sir" his voice was more stretched than before and I know he's got it. I have never asked for a favor like that since I haven't tried to take over the mafia I guess he didn't expect me to ask for such a favor though I am desperate. I hung up the phone with a big sigh.

If the case is buried, I get Pais from any danger and Calvin gets to renovate his club as soon as possible. The only thing I haven't gotten an excuse for is the blow-up and I don't know how he is going to forgive me for that. He has to no matter what, my phone rung again and this time it was Pais "Hello"

"Why are you still in Revensbull?" She asked right away.

"Still trying to cover the case why are you still tracking me"

"After your last encounter with Dash, I don't want to take any chances with your life and I was thinking I come there so that we can do this together"

"It will be over by tomorrow no need to worry"

"I can't help but worry, Oz will find out soon and he might attack you alone without me there-"

"He is not going to kill me" I encouraged because if he was I would have been dead by now but I am not. He doesn't want me dead and I don't know why, I don't want to think that I am still alive because I know exactly where Grizzly is. That might be the reason however I want to believe that I am alive because he likes me "I will get to you later and stop tracking my phone" I hung up with a deep sigh.

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