Chapter 23

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Oz's  POV

"What did you enjoy most in your childhood?" Tenley asked after two minutes into the drive from the club. I was a bit surprised by the question as it seemed deep though seeing him a little bit free than when I found him, maybe the scene at the club gave him some kind of anxiety and I think it might deal with his dad a topic I don't want to get into.

"I can take you there and just show you" I suggested

"That would be better" he smiled making me chuckle while shaking my head stopping at a red light "And what's so funny?"

"Nothing" I decided to just let it go while putting on the indicator going to my left as soon as the lights turned green.

"Its clearly something, you're smiling and in case you didn't know, it's rare"

"Why smile if I have nothing to smile about" I questioned my eyes not once leaving the road. I knew almost every corner of this part of the town.

"Then tell me what makes you smile?"

"You're becoming so inquisitive today my little prince" I replied making another turn into a more isolated side of the city that had beat-down buildings. Some kids could be seen running around screaming in the empty buildings. They stopped and stared at us like we are a tourist attraction which we are kind of since no one ever drives these ends unless you want to get robbed.

"Whoa, this place is creepy"

"It's my home" I chuckled lowly when his face paled as if regretting his words "It's okay, I know it's creepy. It used to be better looking when I still lived here. That-" I pointed to one of the houses "Was the house of the boy that I first slept with when I was thirteen"


"Yeah and it was.......something" for lack of better words

"Hahaha, you're not skipping the something," he said with a laugh quoting 'something'

"You know, two virgin boys trying to act on their cravings. It went good surprisingly because I had done some research though I wouldn't say it was my best work" I admitted "I was way too scared to do everything right"

"Like what?" he is full of questions today. I found a space and I parked at the side of the road even if I know no car will be coming to this end of the city, everyone was scared of them.

"Like the fact that he was rushing me since he didn't want his aunt to catch him. It was literally a dip in and then a dip out, which isn't something I am into"

"You like taking your time", he asked smoothly making me chuckle


"Was that after you confessed love to Samuel or not" he hit a spot, I kissed my teeth before turning my entire body to him, he was looking at me attentively waiting for my answer

"That was after" I confessed "Though Samuel was my first kiss, he taught me how to kiss if I am being specific and that is how I came to fall in love with him as we used to do it like all the time. Make out until I think when we were eleven. He suddenly told me we couldn't do it anymore because he sees me as his brother"

"Ouch" and I felt like that when he said it to me "It would have killed me, what should we call it brother-zoned?" I laughed leaning onto the seat staring at him, for the horrible day he really did make it happy. I have never thought there would be a day I laugh about something like that when those words hurt like hell back then.

"I guess so" it was indeed a brother zone.

"So tell me your next time" he is really full of questions today and for some reason, I am willing to answer.

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