Chapter 15

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Tenley's POV

"Pais, have you found out what had taken place?" I questioned I am late. After spending the night at Oz's place I felt better but woke up to her text about Mr. Henry being awake. I was supposed to be here a few hours ago but got sidetracked. Anyway that isn't important for now, Mr. Henry being alive was the best news here, he was the one who took over my dad's part in the company to save us from the work as we were still in school though I know with time I and Pais will be taking over now that we are eighteen

"The doctors wanted to first check up on him" I nodded taking a seat beside her feeling slightly uncomfortable still trying to get used to the egg in my ass though it's hard to forget about when it is in a place you have to feel it every second plus the fact that it's a punishment makes it worry some because he might turn it on at any time when I am not ready but it's also exciting that he can do that at any time. Like we are not together yet he still had control over me and at any minute he would make me cum or not

I just hope it won't be in the hospital "You look better" Pais commented touching my forehead "Just one night with Oz and you look like a recharged battery" because he is indeed the charger, I decided to not say that out loud as it was not supposed to happen in the first place

"I was already better before I decided to visit him" I tried to tell a lie

"No, you looked like a walking Zombie but now you look so fresh. I can hardly see your wounds and I know they were in a healing process but still, you seem lighter and happier than yesterday" I felt my face heating up

"You're just seeing things" I shrugged it off and rose as a sign of showing her to drop it though luck was not on my side because she followed.

"Ten" she held my hand and I knew this was a sensation I was not ready for "I love you so much and I would be the last person to judge if you talk to me. I will listen and if you don't want me to say a thing I won't, just remember I'm always here for you" I smiled squeezing her hand lightly, she is the best I can ever ask for.

"I love you too and I'm always here for you"

"I know" she smiled getting her hand out of mine as we waited for the doctors to be done with Mr. Henry. She went back to her phone and I stayed in my thoughts hoping I could just open up about this. I don't think I can tell it to her, at least not now. I was glad when the door to Mr. Henry's hospital room opened and a doctor walked out allowing us to get inside "Hey Henry, how are you feeling?" Pais asked with a warm smile

"The doctor said I will be fine" he cleared his throat, he still looked pale and sickly though it wasn't terrifying like the last time we checked upon him.

"We are glad you're fine" I comforted touching his shoulder "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, this guy he had brown hair or brownish, I really couldn't tell as it was dark though he was tall, really tall... I think around his mid-twenties. He shot my tires and then attacked me with a gun, he held it on my head asking about sir Derek who he called Grizzly" he sounded petrified of the events that had taken place. At instinct, I glanced at Pais and she picked up her tablet typing for a second.

"Is this the guy?" Pais asked showing him a picture and Mr. Henry nodded when he saw Oz. When I have just forgotten about the fact that he is here to play me I get reminded the hard way 'Reality check I wasn't ready for' and it hurt yet I already knew why he was here, just..... I wish to forget sometimes "What did you tell him?"

"AAAAAaaah-aah-" I slapped a hand over my mouth trying to stop the strings of moans that were escaping my mouth from the complete shock of sudden vibrations that coursed through me causing pleasure to shoot right on my prostate. I had even forgotten the damn egg was in there and now I feel like... I tried holding myself but ended up sitting on the chair trying to stay calm and not moan yet I just pressed it harder onto my prostate

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