Chapter 11

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Tenley's POV

I didn't know what came over to me to ask for this, it was the spur of the moment and the need to get spanked after two days of pure deprivation and him looking so annoyingly sexy as fuck as he talked business made me want him to spank me so hard "Doctor" He came to my sides and pushed my hair away from my face "Do you know what this is?" My face heated up because at one sight I knew what it was right away and I felt embarrassed about that "I see, so you know what it does this?"

I nodded, I don't think I could say a word at how ashamed I felt. I gasped when it shocked my sides "Did it hurt?" he questioned while tracing my hair holding the wand in front of me. It's redhead right next to my nose that I had to push myself back a bit scared it will zap me yet also intrigued.

"No sir, it's tingly" I am laying on some table in some lab with my ass in the air like this shouldn't get me as red as it is. A zap got me out of my head, the sound makes you think it's gonna hurt like a bitch yet when it contacts my skin it is not bad but intense that it makes me skip while trying to get away from him, it didn't hurt no, it made the hair on my entire body stand up and it felt like a tiny prickle. I was used to being curious about how it felt like, I guess today is the day. It sounded scary when it attached to my skin that the sound was making me skip more than the trickle itself "Fuck, fuck oh my God sir"

He stopped and looked at me with a tilt of his head a smirk attached to his lips enjoying my skips. He held my chin and pecked my lips "Guess we better get to work" He said getting back behind me where I can't see him 'Get to work? What were we doing before' my heart pounded kind of scared yet in a good way "I need your legs apart doctor" I had just spread my legs when a zap hit my stinging ass cheek making me skip yet moan at the same time. My legs were trembling like crazy, this gets stronger every day.

A hard slap made me cry out as my hands tried to pull on the belt that was biding my already weak hands and the belt proved that even more as it wasn't going anywhere, it made me feel trapped and weak like I was at his mercy and he could do whatever he pleased and I loved the feeling. I loved the feeling of it. This has been one of the ways I wanted someone to take control, have me like this without mercy "I need you to relax, take in a deep breath and gently push out"

I took in deep breaths gently pushing out. I was still trying to get my breath back to normal when I felt a slick finger protrude from my hole "Do you feel any pain?"

"No sir" I replied truthfully, I can barely feel it in my hole not barely but still no pain. It started moving and even if I could barely feel anything the fact that he was doing it made my insides twist in knots in both pleasure and embarrassment when an electric shock passed through my thigh, they are so sensitive "Sir" I whined feeling so exposed than I have ever been. It reminds me of the fact that my ass is in the air for him, my already flushed face became even redder and I bet my ass worse as he liked it

The continuous thrusts of his finger made me want more that I constantly pushed my ass back and that earned me another shock and another that made my dick leak profusely throbbing and pulsing with need and the lack of friction was not helping at all, I was on the verge of begging when his voice boomed once again in this empty lab that made my moans, whines and the sound of his hand hitting my skin even louder "Tell me how it feels?" I felt the second finger slide in and like the first one it didn't hurt.

"It doesn't hurt sir" is just a bit uncomfortable and torturous, I wanted to come yet it seemed like we are just starting. I didn't add that because it was something I could handle though my dick is throbbing painfully from the lack of attention. His fingers started moving slowly as if being careful at first until he picked up the pace. I tried turning around and see him though I couldn't and my eyes are way too blurry to see through them, I could just feel his fingers and his touch on my burning red cheeks when he pressed on my spot "Aaaahh daddy" five constant shocks landed on my inner thigh making me gasp-incoherently moaning, my dick spurting almost exploding right there, I know if I take another hit I will be a goner by now this was torture.

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