Chapter 4

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Oz's POV

I chose a private booth just so we could have some little privacy when Mr 'Don't give people signs if you're not gonna do something about it' reaches and I show him what exactly I will do about it because I will definitely do something plus I was gonna do something about it until someone more interesting appeared and what is better than show someone you're interested but not interested enough to focus just on them.

I know that killed him, he had taken a liking in me and I showed I was interested too yet danced with someone else. I know I paid for that dearly because the bitch almost tore my head open when he bumped into us like that. For a shy and can't talk to guys person 'Like he said in his erotic journal' he really got some balls to crush into us like that. I was the one who was supposed to do the chasing and I was gonna give myself time but he seemed impatient

I might say that he had guts but then if he really is Grizzly's son like I suspect then he's gotta be just like that. What he writes down gave me the idea of someone who is shy and can't speak to guys, good I found something entirely different and I suspect I should be careful with him, if he really is Grizzly's son then he might be good with the game or might know what I am here for but Nah, I don't think so. I don't think Grizzly would involve his kids in the Mafia at this age, he used to say they were supposed to be twenty or so before they found out what he does just to give them a sign of a normal life.

I, on the other hand, had no chance for a normal life as I was involved in that life at such a young age and I was glad I was involved, or else I would have missed the part where I find out what kind of man Grizzly is, such an untrustworthy bastard. My grip on the wine tightened just recalling who that mother fucker is, he should wish I don't get my hands on him because he is gonna pay first hand plus where the hell is this bitch. I glanced at my watch and it is almost ten minutes past 8, I remember telling him 8 sharp.

I rolled my neck already getting pissed, I need someone who keeps time. I pulled out my phone dialing Mekhi's number and he picked up on the first ring "Can you check for me where Tenley is at this moment"

"Give me a second," he said and I heard tapping. I waited patiently as I took a sip from my drink moving my eyes around the place "You're both in the same place" So he has reached.

"Can you tell me where he was before getting here" I questioned when I spotted Tenley getting inside as the waiter pointed towards my booth? He was simple just like yesterday wearing a black button-up shirt and black trousers with a jacket.

"I see he was out with his mother and sister for hours. That was earlier this morning then went home but didn't get out of the house from that"

"Thanks" I cut off the call when Tenley finally reached and without saying anything he sat opposite me "You're late" I pointed out calmly

"It's not like you asked me out, you just assumed I will be here and on time" That was because I thought he understood, good to know I will have to let him know that when I say something I expect it done to its fullest "So why did you ask me here" I clicked my tongue taking a sip trying to not snap and show him what I am made of when I am disrespected, we have just met and I should remember I need him to trust me but there is enough disrespectful ness I can take so he should be careful.

Though I'm willing to take it slow since I need something very important from him "I gave you signs now I'm doing something about it, isn't that what you wanted" I replied calmly

"So you don't want it" his eyes were measuring me "Good I don't want you either so is this done" I smiled, seeming amused but to hell I wasn't, I guess I wasn't expecting someone challenging since he seemed like he knew what he wanted and was dying to have it or should I say 'he was desperate to have a daddy' depending on his Journal I expected a free road yet I am getting surprised by this.

I took him in, his way of sitting showed his confidence. If I rush this thing I might lose, he might be hard to put where I want him. I took a sip taking that in, I need to change the course. He needs to need me like the air he breathes.

"First you were ten minutes late, second you lie. I think we have the same interest don't you think" I asked calmly as I got up walking to the curtains. I unclasped them and pulled them open so that we can get some privacy in here, I got a private VIP section for a reason and it seems like someone needs some teaching. After covering us from the outside eye, I walked over to his side sitting right next to him

"What interest?" He gulped already nervous, he should be he hasn't been a very good boy. I held his chin making him look into my eyes, I seem calm on the outside and indeed I am not on the inside though.

"Have you ever gotten your skin red boy?" I calmly questioned my thumb tracing his jaw, I have been with men who have feminine features but it still doesn't mean that just because I prefer feminine men I can't handle a dude almost my size. He shook his head as he tried to lean away from me now getting the look I was aiming for, that look of uncertainty, he doesn't know where this is going and I love when they are in suspense, he should have thought about his words before saying them. I clicked my tongue "Rule number two, never shake or nod your head, how many rules have I given you?"

He pushed himself back leaning on his hands making me smile. He doesn't seem as confident as he was when he arrived. He raised two fingers as if he was unable to speak, speechless "Rule number three when I ask a question you always reply....." I pushed myself closer trapping him "Verbally" I added "How many rules have I given you now?"


"That's my boy" I praised patting his cheek softly "Now tell me why you were ten minutes late when I remember telling you not to be late" he did the one thing I also hate that goes under shaking your head, he shrugged and that earned him a slap on the thigh, it might not have been as hard as it would have been without his trousers but it was hard enough to wake him up, his eyes were wide "Shrugging falls in rule number two" I explained "Now answer my question"

"I-i-" he averted his eyes from me, I haven't given him that rule so I held his chin turning his face towards me.

"Rule number four, eyes should be on me when you're talking, do you understand" That was an order but then he nodded AGAIN "What rule did you break?" His mouth openned then closed for almost a minute, he wasn't saying a thing "Take off your pants" his face paled and he glanced around as if someone can see him or hear what we say, that will depend if he is loud or not but on the seeing part, no one can unless he wants them to see but for now, I prefer the privacy

I poured myself another drink waiting for him to do as I said "I-i- do- i-ca-" I held his chin cutting him off from his stuttering rant that was not making sense.

"I said, take off your pants"

"Yes sir" he chocked out so quickly and I knew his body understood the command even though he looked shocked with himself. His hands unbuttoned his trousers and I watched every step until it was time to pull them down when he turned his body as if shy, I knew he has to be shy somehow, he was just acting out of order. He lifted his but then pulled his trousers to his ankles without getting up and then looked at me as if asking what he should do next.

"I want them off" he immediately took off his shoes which allowed his trousers to get all the way off as he remained in his tight boxers, I took in his firm thighs and legs. I had to bite my lip at that because I was indeed turned on from that, I wasn't the only one though, his bulge could be seen through these tight boxers of his. My eyes moved back to his face, he was already looking at me as I took his chin bringing my face closer "You look great my boy" he gulped biting his lip and that action was arousing that I wanted to play with him right now.

"And I prefer being called daddy"

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